Archived shift diff

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Sep 20, 2011
So i'm at a 6AM store who is being slammed by large trucks at moment(just like a lot of you). A few years back we go downgraded in volume and went from 4 AM to 6 AM, the members on the flow team who worked the 4am truck got a percent of the shift difference into their check now. With that said its getting to be common practice for the ETL's to suggest 4AM during the holiday season to get us out of there before the guests arrive. The problem is no one has received shift difference, not that I really care since I got the full dollar now every hour I work but I feel bad for the people who are getting paid 8 bucks an hour to show up at 4AM while the same flow team member at another store is getting difference.

So does anyone know if this is legal to do?

Also for 6AM store members, do you guys have signing people come in at 5:30 in the morning and are they reciving shift difference?
I'm sure its perfectly legal, they took our shift pay away for a while working at 4am once, I got the $1 pay raise to make up for it then they had to bring it back because they couldn't hire anybody.
As a 6am process store I can tell you the following:

Once you go 6am any shift differential has to be specially approved at the District level. It doesn't matter what time you clock in shift differential won't normally exist. So the people coming in early / working overnight aren't getting anything extra for it.

However currently at my store District approved shift differential since our store is back on 4am trucks, so normal shift diff rules apply.

Shift differential is just another job perk so there is nothing illegal about them not re-applying it, not every store gets differential even if they are an overnight / 4am store.
thanks for the help, and btw didn't mean illegal like against the law. Just meant against target policy
Our store switches to 4am for the holidays, and afaik we don't get differential.

To whoever asked about line prep: our people come in 45 minutes before the rest of the team, and start unloading as soon as they're done setting up.
I would come in 30 minutes early with one of my team members. I would acknowedge the truck, set up carts around the store, get cages out of the back room, pull any pallets of merchandise out of the way. The night backroom tm would set the line with pallets before they left but sometimes we had to finish it up. Put empty milk crates out the backdoor if the closing ETL was too lazy to do so. Get all paperwork ready, bulk or trap to catch. Go open front door to let unload team in. Sooo much to do in 30 minutes.
So i'm at a 6AM store who is being slammed by large trucks at moment(just like a lot of you). A few years back we go downgraded in volume and went from 4 AM to 6 AM, the members on the flow team who worked the 4am truck got a percent of the shift difference into their check now. With that said its getting to be common practice for the ETL's to suggest 4AM during the holiday season to get us out of there before the guests arrive. The problem is no one has received shift difference, not that I really care since I got the full dollar now every hour I work but I feel bad for the people who are getting paid 8 bucks an hour to show up at 4AM while the same flow team member at another store is getting difference.
Exact same here. My store is considered "ultra low volume" which I think shouldn't be applied to any Target in truth, but we get hosed on hours and such. We used to do 4am all the time, but we got a 50cent diff. Kind of P's me off to see that others were getting $1 diff. But then they moved us to 6am so they could take away the shift diff. Then like 2 weeks later they started having us come in at 5am, and it's been 5am since. The people that used to get the shift diff. got an extra 50cent raise, the new people get hired at min. wage. A handful of people come in at 5am or 5:15am to start unloading the truck, then others come in at 6am to start pushing.

I'm sure its perfectly legal, they took our shift pay away for a while working at 4am once, I got the $1 pay raise to make up for it then they had to bring it back because they couldn't hire anybody.
The problem here is that people are so desperate for jobs that they just abuse us. The gas station down the street hires at about a $1 more than our Target, who hire at just over min. wage. They tell us we won't get paid better because they compare their wages with other businesses in the area or something. That's what the old HR told us anyways. They said we'd have to have a bunch of people quiting DUE to crappy wages before Target would give a crap, basically.

btw does everyone for a 6AM truck have 2 or 3 people that show up at 5:30 to do line prep?
Never have. The 1 person that closes the night before is expected to have everything ready for the morning crew, within their 7 hour shift of pulling/pushing CAFs, pulling POGs, backstocking everything, etc.

I would come in 30 minutes early with one of my team members. I would acknowedge the truck, set up carts around the store, get cages out of the back room, pull any pallets of merchandise out of the way. The night backroom tm would set the line with pallets before they left but sometimes we had to finish it up. Put empty milk crates out the backdoor if the closing ETL was too lazy to do so. Get all paperwork ready, bulk or trap to catch. Go open front door to let unload team in. Sooo much to do in 30 minutes.
I was coached for closing backroom a little while ago and "not setting up the line." ETL was like "why didn't you set up the line on Sunday night?" "I did..." "No... you didn't." "..."(I've been doing this for 4 years mind you, he's brand new) "The morning crew had to spend almost 15 minutes getting the line ready." They have the lone backrooman leave at 7:30pm, store closes at 9pm Sundays. A lot can happen in 1.5hours. If it took several people, lets say 7 people, and it took them 15 minutes to ready the line? So how long would that take me by myself? HMMmmMMmmMm. I'm not staying past winter this year, I've had enough.
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