Archived So it is rainy and lightning outside right above me

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Apr 5, 2015
My gstl does not care.he only says get the carts in.I am not complaning .I always go out when it is lighting but not right above.
Your GSTL is an idiot. You don't bring in carts when it is lightning out. Being outside when it is lightning is bad enough. But with metal in the carts? Seriously. Is there anything else you can work on? Are you sufficiently caught up with carts that you can take a break from getting them?
We don't have metal carts. I think there plastic or something I mean we were caught up.
Every day, always the victim.
Funny that's what he said to.he said lightning can see it to.I thought that wad a pretty good joke by him.over all it was not that bad just scary.made it trough thou.and I the gstl is not a bad guy as I thought.
Every day, always the victim.


That's why you're supposed to wear the vest you hate so much. It deflects lightning.


I highly doubt the veracity of this story. Based on past posts from this guy it's likely he is making a big deal out of routine aspects of his job.

True. At this point counsel would like to request a lock on the thread given the post history of the user in question.
You guys are being mean and if I were him I would just start posting a bunch of weird topics to mess with you. TBR would be a lot less fun without people like Antwan, wasted jsck, luna, patty.... LOL:eek:
Folks, please stop being rude. We have helped him show the error of his ways on other threads, and I think we need to offer some grace and the chance to improve. I will not lock this thread at this time, but will do so if we can't remain civil to the original poster.
Yeah guys, stop being rude. When it comes to safety issues like this I give people the benefit of the doubt. If there is a cloud to ground lightning storm directly overhead you should be inside.
I never said HLM was being rude. I didn't figure I had to point out the rude ones for people to get it. But I am certain most of us know the backstory.
Hey, sometimes things in life aren't perfect. Sometimes people are rude. Sometimes we get mocked for our actions. Sometimes people laugh at us. Sometimes we have to deal with a little bit of criticism. I don't consider any of that harmful in normal amounts. People are way too sensitive these days.
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