Archived So Starting ETL's Might Be Getting A Raise Too

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Former Signing Ninja
Staff member
Jun 10, 2011
It's not a certainty and I'm not sure where they fall in terms of starting pay but depending on how the numbers play out Spot may have to start them higher.
There have been threads where it was pointed out that with the hours they worked starting ETLs actually made less than some of the older TL.
That will end if they change the law so the cut off for salaried workers who get overtime pay is raised.
The president was talking about it.
Basically he was saying a salaried worker is supposed to be a manager and not be used to as a regular employee but that's what a lot of stores are doing to cut corners on hours.
So they want to raise the cap.
Don't know that it will happen but should be fun to see the scramble when they try.
We'll just run with less ETLs.

ETL-HR/AP shared between two stores
ETL-Sales Floor/GE

If they're going to have to pay ETLs more or require less work of them, it would make sense to reduce ETLs and add a SrTL or two to pick up the remaining LOD shifts.
And I'm actually convinced this could work if the TL headcount was reduced as well. We have too many TLs in most stores and not enough TMs. Whittle down leadership to a manageable level and then actually leave the hours for the store to be appropriately staffed. There's no need for there to be 5 TLs in HL in an A volume store. I always imagined that there should be one ETL for a workgroup and then one TL for every major workcenter.
Speaking of combining ETLs, can anyone explain to me why the ETL-HR and ETL-AP positions are combined in some stores? I can't see that working in my store. HR involves a lot of paper work which would mean you spend a lot of time in your office, whereas APs have to be on the salesfloor, right? How do the two even relate?
Speaking of combining ETLs, can anyone explain to me why the ETL-HR and ETL-AP positions are combined in some stores? I can't see that working in my store. HR involves a lot of paper work which would mean you spend a lot of time in your office, whereas APs have to be on the salesfloor, right? How do the two even relate?

In my store, the AP part of the ETL-HR/AP is pretty much just on paper only. Only once have I seen her do something AP related, and that was because it had to be done that day and the APTL was off. Otherwise it's ignored as near as I can tell.
In my store, the AP part of the ETL-HR/AP is pretty much just on paper only. Only once have I seen her do something AP related, and that was because it had to be done that day and the APTL was off. Otherwise it's ignored as near as I can tell.

Wow. Spot really needs to start taking their security more seriously.
I dunno...

As long as your team is AP minded (or at least you have some people who are) you can get a lot of PMRs. We tend to have a few PMRs every couple of months that are storeside recoveries when no AP is in the building. My ETL and I have gotten several PMRs. When the team notices something sketchy and tells the LOD, they'll be watched. I have a team that can spot shady characters like it's going out of style (or maybe my area just has a lot of criminals... I live in a very interesting location where thereisa fairly large cross section of socioeconomic classes living all around). Once we see them starting to head up front, myself and the ETL will just happen to have a conversation by the entrance. I've stood up there by the door for upwards of 45 mins before to deter a push out. I think the biggest recovery we recently got was nearly $700.

It's all about perception. Of course I would've just had to let the shoplifter walk right past me. I can't stop them physically, but we can play mind games. Most shoplifters aren't confident enough to push out right past a redshirt. They don't know for sure who you are and they sure as hell don't want to get caught. They usually end up ditching and leaving or going through the lanes and then coming up with some excuse like, "Oh dear, my card must be in the car... I'll be right back. Hold this stuff here for me."

tl;dr: if regular tms see someone stealing or people are acting really suspicious (potential pushout or what have you) you can deter theft and make recoveries even with no AP present. It's all about your team being aware.
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Fresh out of college etls start at 49,000 here. They don't need another dime!! And I'm NOT located in expensive NY or Cali, I'm in the Midwest.
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Speaking of combining ETLs, can anyone explain to me why the ETL-HR and ETL-AP positions are combined in some stores? I can't see that working in my store. HR involves a lot of paper work which would mean you spend a lot of time in your office, whereas APs have to be on the salesfloor, right? How do the two even relate?
In the lowest volume stores there is no aps or aptl staff and the ETL ap/hr wears red and Khacki and does LOD shifts as many as the other etls. There is no external apprehensions in these stores. We have 2 20 hour tps's. So no, there's no need for them to be on the floor.
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In the lowest volume stores there is no aps or aptl staff and the ETL ap/hr wears red and Khacki and does LOD shifts as many as the other etls. There is no external apprehensions in these stores. We have 2 20 hour tps's. So no, there's no need for them to be on the floor.

So what you're saying is that when the ETL-HR/AP is not the LOD, then there's a TPS scheduled? Otherwise there'd be no AP, right? Although that happens in our store sometimes.
Fresh out of college etls start at 49,000 here. They don't need another dime!! And I'm NOT located in expensive NY or Cali, I'm in the Midwest.
That comes out to about $15.70 per hour for working 60 hrs a week with NO overtime.

$15.70 seems a decent place to start for a manager with a degree but no experience. But being expected to work 60 hours and not get paid overtime is crazy.
@sigma7 kinda hard to be AP minded when there's so much for the sales floor team to do. It's not like I don't care about theft or anything, but I can't make it a priority unless I see it happening right in front of me.
We definitely make it too easy for guests to steal. We give the impression that there's hardly anyone on the floor, and then the TMs who are here are usually too busy to pay attention. Anyone who knows their way around could take something without much trouble.
That comes out to about $15.70 per hour for working 60 hrs a week with NO overtime.

$15.70 seems a decent place to start for a manager with a degree but no experience. But being expected to work 60 hours and not get paid overtime is crazy.
Please don't feel too sorry for them yet. Don't forget, that is only starting rate-brand new to Target. Also, I know for a fact they get quarterly bonuses, redcard bonuses, and bonuses for cutting expenses. On top of that, my ETLs use that damn PCard to buy their lunches on Target's dime all the time.
Our ETLs only work 40-50 hours a week. Don't get where this 60 hour BS is coming from. And our ETLs spend maybe 10% of their time on the floor, if that. I have a hard time sympathizing. Sorry.
ETL AP/HR usually have little involvement in AP other than internals. The stores that have the combo usually, but not always, have a APTL under them to handle everything else. I'm not in a store with such a setup, but I know of a ETL from my old store that took a HR/AP role. She knows the basics and that's about it.

Either way AP ETLs whether they have other duties or not are always in red and khaki. And I believe ETL pay is based on an expect 50 hour work week. Sometimes it's less, a lot of the times it's more.
Please don't feel too sorry for them yet. Don't forget, that is only starting rate-brand new to Target. Also, I know for a fact they get quarterly bonuses, redcard bonuses, and bonuses for cutting expenses. On top of that, my ETLs use that damn PCard to buy their lunches on Target's dime all the time.
Our ETLs only work 40-50 hours a week. Don't get where this 60 hour BS is coming from. And our ETLs spend maybe 10% of their time on the floor, if that. I have a hard time sympathizing. Sorry.

I wonder if their bonuses cost as much as the expenses they're cutting.
@sigma7 , do you know what would happen as a GSA or sales floor TM would happen to me if I spent 40 minutes at the doors (plus whatever time before this) to prevent a walk out? I'd be coached for not watching the front lanes or for not getting my reshop or zone done.

I'm sorry, I have done the mind games at guest services more often than I can count. It takes up a lot of my time, for very little gain...especially in knowing in the end, I won't be backed up and the thief wins 9 times out of 10.
@Retail Girl , you are right. Also, I was told we could get in hot water for getting involved with guests who steal. What they tell us is all we can do is give great service-the rest is up to AP. It is a liability issue.
Well, I'm not a GSA or a sales floor tm. I'm a TL who was working in conjunction with the ETL/LOD for the night. I didn't just say to myself, "I'm going to stand up here and wait until this shoplifter ditches her stuff." My ETL and I talked about it and made the decision to attempt to recover merchandise rather than immaculately zone canned goods. My GSA for the night stuck by guest service and did their job. They were right there as the guest finally attempted to checkout. It was a softlines tm who spotted the person in question. A softlines tm who was zoning and putting up returns. My AP team appreciated the recovery as did the APBP. If you don't want to help AP then that's your prerogative. A lot of the team in my store is very AP minded. But AP also shows appreciation to the TMs who drive a culture around preventing shortage.

And as far as doing anything wrong... I didn't even interact with the guest per se. I wasn't checking receipts or anything of that nature. I was just standing by the front door having a conversation and getting carts/greeting guests as they came in. Lady could've pushed out right past me. I wouldn't and couldn't have stopped her. I didn't chase her down or follow her through the store. I was just standing near the entrance. And that was enough to get her to ditch her cart. The $12 target paid me to stand at the front door might mean that I missed a cart of returns and didn't zone three aisles as well as I should've that night, but I think the $600-700 PMR more than makes up for that. But hey, to each their own. I don't know other stores except the ones in my district and all stores are not the same anyway.

I didn't mean to hijack the thread. If we want to keep talking about storeside AP efforts then can the mods move this to a new thread or merge it with an existing one?

On topic: My exec team would be happy with a pay raise or an hora decrease. Ideally, they'd want both!
One of my ETLs told me that, at least in this area, they had a rate adjustment 2 years ago. Believe me, they're taken care of.

And no, none of mine are working 60 hours a week. At five days a week, that's 12 hours a day. And that sure as heck isn't happening.
Most of mine work 10 hours, 6 days a week.
The logistics ETL at my store works 15 hour days regularly. No exaggeration. It seems like that is what is expected of him. The ETL that he just replaced work ~80 hours a week as well. These guys absolutely work their tails of and still get ripped by our STL. Other ETLs in my store work the regular 10 hour days 5 days a week and never seem to accomplish anything in that time except spread the latest gossip around.
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