Archived softline signing

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Oct 22, 2014
How do signing work in softline I never did it before I always give it to my team member but now I got to stick with it any help here
if that is your real pic i would take it down asap... and any part of your username if it involves your real name.

and i dont understand your question really... why can't you delegate it to them?
The weekly signing or the assigned signing?

And if that's your IRL picture you might want to change it.
I do any wall signing, overheads, billboards, and enhancements. I also do some tables. For example, intimates. The rest, I take to the softlines fixture room where it normally sits for over a month until I throw it away.

This is because no one has time to bother with it. When your store is weeks behind on adjacencies, no one ain't got time to put up a dinky sign.

Good luck!
I was saying I have to do signing soon for softline and I won't to know is it hard put ads
It's not super hard, just time-consuming. Then again, I do Softlines signing with a co-worker who's been doing it for YEARS who knows exactly what she's doing. She taught me well, to the point where I was able to do the entire Softlines ad-set all by myself a few weeks ago when she went on vacation without even batting an eye. My advice to you is to try to find someone who has a lot of experience with Softlines signing and partner with them. Once you learn the basics and get into a routine, it's really not bad!
Softlines signing is time-consuming because over half our product is unlocated on the floor. When you do signing in hardlines each little sign tells you exactly where to put it. In softlines most of the hanging clothing has no location. When a sign covers hanging product you have to hunt for it. Our store is still using UPCS under RF aps to check what's on sale. Sometimes when the adjacency is done the signing works out perfectly. Sometimes even when the adjacency IS done the signing is horrid. You may find yourself rearranging clothes on a rack so that you can sign the part that is actually on sale... sometimes moving product around in more than one area so you can put up signs. The first rule to remember is this: IF it's IN the ad then it MUST be signed. Anything extra that isn't in the ad is up to how your leaders do things. If I can't figure out a sign and it isn't in the ad then I generally save it for my Team Lead's discretion. C9 is the biggest offender when it comes to signing headaches. I cringe every Sunday morning when C9 pops up in the ad. We've gotten to that point that if it's C9 and it's NOT in the ad... we don't bother. Be on the look out for signs that it would make no sense to put up. I've had sale signs that were for product that was on clearance. I've had sale signs show up in my box that were for two weeks out. (check the dates at the bottom). When you go to the floor take your signs, your PDA, and an AD... never never never forget the ad. It's your best friend. :) Best of luck!
I've only got to do signing a couple of times when the other Brand TMs could not do it for whatever reason. It took me longer because I checked the racks to make sure everything was on sale. I had to pull tons of stuff off racks and rearrange stuff. If everyone at least tries to put reshop in the right place it will make things easier. It isn't hard and I really like doing it. At my store Sunday morning signing is a highly coveted gig that belongs to the elite little clique I imagine every store has.
I've only got to do signing a couple of times when the other Brand TMs could not do it for whatever reason. It took me longer because I checked the racks to make sure everything was on sale. I had to pull tons of stuff off racks and rearrange stuff. If everyone at least tries to put reshop in the right place it will make things easier. It isn't hard and I really like doing it. At my store Sunday morning signing is a highly coveted gig that belongs to the elite little clique I imagine every store has.

When I ran the team it was a tight group but that's mostly because you really need people who can do a lot in a very short period of time.
I am surprised that it's a coveted gig at your store when we had to replace someone it was like pulling teeth to get a decent replacement.
Nobody wanted to get up that early on a Sunday, work at that pace, etc.

I used to bring donuts and an assortment of drinks for my people just to show my appreciation.
No matter how ugly things got I knew I could count on them.
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Isn't is interesting to hear of how different things are at the stores? There are a lot if TMs at my store that love doing the ad. There is a problem with callouts and some of the TMs just do a really sloppy job. They leave stacks of signs (Not duplicates) and trash for us to clean up. They don't seem to pay attention to the signs they put up either. On a brighter note, we are switching to the sticky signs and I love them.
When I ran the team it was a tight group but that's mostly because you really need people who can do a lot in a very short period of time.
I am surprised that it's a coveted gig at your store when we had to replace someone it was like pulling teeth to get a decent replacement.
Nobody wanted to get up that early on a Sunday, work at that pace, etc.

I used to bring donuts and an assortment of drinks for my people just to show my appreciation.
No matter how ugly things got I knew I could count on them.

Love your new sig commie :D
On a brighter note, we are switching to the sticky signs and I love them.

All of our 3x5 sale cardstock has been replaced with 3x3 sticky cardstock. So even though the HQ signs are the old style, any signs we print in-store are the sticky signs and it drives me crazy because they're not all the same lol.

I'm not sure how I feel about the sticky signs yet though.
All of our 3x5 sale cardstock has been replaced with 3x3 sticky cardstock. So even though the HQ signs are the old style, any signs we print in-store are the sticky signs and it drives me crazy because they're not all the same lol.

I'm not sure how I feel about the sticky signs yet though.

Our store is the same way, HQ is 3x5 and the fixture room PC can only print 3x3 stickies. I dislike the stickies. I just know my ad prep wacos will be covered in peeled off 3x3s and about a zillion static electricity charged wax paper strips. The adhesive on our store printed signs are strong & taking them down has proven to be a chore. Hopefully the adhesive on the HQ stickies isn't quite so powerful.
Our store is the same way, HQ is 3x5 and the fixture room PC can only print 3x3 stickies. I dislike the stickies. I just know my ad prep wacos will be covered in peeled off 3x3s and about a zillion static electricity charged wax paper strips. The adhesive on our store printed signs are strong & taking them down has proven to be a chore. Hopefully the adhesive on the HQ stickies isn't quite so powerful.
I'm in the same boat. Kind of wondering when we are going to start getting sticky signs from HQ. We've been running with both for a couple of months now. Inefficient rollout if you ask me.
Hopefully the adhesive on the HQ stickies isn't quite so powerful.

Our ad team has enough trouble taking down the non-sticky signs as it is.
With the sticky ones, it may take the whole label fixture down in mmb or video games.

Quite often, when TMs try to take a sticky off of peghooks, they'll take the label holder off with it and it'll crack.

Also, when plano is resetting an aisle/endcap, they'll try to reuse the sticky ad signs. Only problem is, when you take it off the shelf the finish on the paper crazes and it looks like shit. Didn't have that problem with the 3x5s.
But we spent all week picking them up off the floor. They would not stay on. I pretty much live in back to school (mini-seasonal) every year. I got so sick of picking the signs up I took double sided sticky tape and stuck them on with it.
Maybe they just need to use glue that isn't quite so strong. I expected them to be like sticky notes.
I did ad takedown last week and I really did not have trouble with the sticky signs.
^ Our store has yet to get the HQ stickies. I am hoping when we finally do, that they won't be as tough to remove as the 3x3 stickies we print from our signing PC.
C9 signing is the absolute worst, because that department is always a wreck, and like RightArm said, nothing is in a set location anyway so even if the adjacency was perfectly set, you'd still have to hunt for the product. The descriptions on the signs are really confusing too, because they rarely ever match the descriptions on the products themselves. One time, we got a sign for C9 "Fashion pants." I was like, "We have a crap ton of C9 pants at similar price points, and they all look pretty much the same. How the hell are we supposed to know which ones are fashion pants, and which ones aren't?" Always a headache, that section. But I promise, once you get the hang of signing, all the other sections will go smoothly (most of the time).
You all don't "map" out your softlines ad on Friday or Saturday morning?
It usually take 3-5 hours to map out but then 1-2 hours to put up, depending on how big the ad is.
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