Archived Target Credit Union

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The Mule

Jack Of All Workcenters
Jun 9, 2011
I'm looking to possibly get a loan soon and looked into the Target Credit Union. The rates seem pretty well and plenty of options for paying it back over time. I was wondering if anyone here has any practical experience in dealing with them?
I tried to get a loan through them for a car a couple years back, got denied because they claimed I had "no credit."

I suppose it was justified. I am young, and don't have a lot of credit, but their claim that I had none was incorrect.
Target Credit Union recently merged with BSU Credit Union and so far I'm not too happy, but we'll have to wait and see
I've had two checking accounts and a savings with them for a little over a year. I've had absolutely no issues and the customer service is great! They even reversed an incidental fee for me.
Still debating, if I should sign up with them.

They're a good CU. Only reason I left is because I convinced my mom to sign up for USAA, which made me a full member. If you have a way in, I'd say USAA is better (except if you need to deposit cash), but otherwise, CUs are always better than for-profit banks.
My ETL has an account with them. He likes the fact that there are no fees at the ATM up by Guest Service. If I wasn't already with another Credit Union, I would totally join. I like my CU though, so I have no need to flip over.
Gee, I feel like the freak because I use multiple banks!! (and, I have no money!)

I bank mostly at USAA, like Sher LOVE THEM. I also have an account at a local CU. It makes it easy if I have cash to deal with or need to cash a check, and I have a support direct-depo going there for now. I'm pondering trying an account at the Target CU. Maybe. Why not right??

USAA makes it easy for me to move my money from my CU to them, I just do a transfer after I set it up with the account/routing info, and they give me credit for it and it ACHs that night or the next.

MOst CUs I have been members of have been great, and today competition is tough so i'd not tolerate a poor customer service experience in banking....
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