Archived Target Ghost Stories

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Jul 22, 2015
At my store we have Timmy Target. A story about a ghost who haunts our store and makes things fall off racks, causes weird noises over the Walkie, call buttons going off, things falling off shelves in the back room and other creepy stuff. Does anyone have any weird unexplainable stories?
Go to your search bar and look up "haunted ghost" and you'll find some information there.
Not a haunting Target TM/TL story, but a strange encounter I had during first quarter one night:

I was organizing some items in the storage area by the fitting room for the opening operator. It was 25 minutes past close and I was the only one in that area of the store. I had just returned from my LOA. The other closing TMs were on the sales floor putting go-backs away. I was alone, and smelled a floral perfume as if someone had walked into the area, and then felt like someone was near. I looked up, thinking someone had walked to me without me hearing, but no one was there. I looked around, and then kept working on what I was doing. A few seconds after I started putting things away again, I heard a quiet voice saying, "Hey Miss [my first, middle, and last name], hey hey [my first name]. Let's hurry and go upstairs now or we'll be late." in a voice that sounded exactly like a friend of mine that passed away in 2014. She lived near the store, and she never liked to go anywhere alone, so this would be absolutely something she would have said. She always liked to say my full name, because of the way it is pronounced. Regardless, I thought it was a TM talking to me so I said, whilst putting things away still, "Sorry I didn't hear you. Go where?" and heard a quiet, but clear laugh. I stopped immediately, looked around, and one, and didn't feel like anyone was there anymore either. I thought to myself, "Who tf was I talking to?" My walkie had died 5 minutes after closing. The nearest TM was a male, and fairly far away - in NIT clothing. Both closing LODs that night had been writing the closing e-mail up front in clerical.
Your friend was saying hi & I miss you. Your friend is connected to you, don't lose it. They will give you strength & calmness to you. Always say thanks to my old friend.
You might to go their gravesite & say I heard you. Thanks!
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I remember telling new softlines ladies about the ghost of the flow TM who had a heart attack in the bedding section and died, and that's why bedding falls off the shelf.
My store is 100% haunted. Three people have died in the store that I know of, including a TM. Stuff started happening to me and a coworker that were pretty tame. Our z bars would move gently when we weren't standing near them, carts would just roll away, small stuff. I was in men's one day and suddenly felt really cold, which isn't something that happens in the middle of a freak humid/hot day. I looked up to see if I was standing under a vent and instead saw a huge black mass. About six feet tall, three feet wide, sort of like a shadow. I ran from the area because I was so startled.

Just a few weeks ago, I was pushing an empty cart and heard footsteps running up behind me. I thought for sure it was my TL because he likes to scare me so I spun around and no one was there. I kept pushing the cart and out of no where, I felt like someone had slapped me in the back on the ribs. I whipped around again, no one was there. My back was stinging, to the point that I was very close to tears. I found a coworker and asked them to look at my back. There was a very faint red handprint exactly where I was having pain. It wouldn't show up on my camera but it lasted long after my shift ended and I had gone home.
I have seen a ghost at my first store. No joke. And a number of my fellow TMs have seen stuff.
One of the camera alarms went off out of nowhere when the store was closed once. Nobody was anywhere near it at all. It was probably just malfunctioning but it still freaked me out a bit.
Who knows? Maybe there will be some Five Nights At Freddy's shit where the animatronic Bullseye from One Spot starts attacking people
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