Target Lifetime Employee Discount?

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Sep 27, 2011
Is there even such a thing? I've heard over the years that if Target employees work a certain number of years they keep their discount even after they quit. Is this even true?
My friend said that when he quit target, he was still able to use his discount card, and he only worked there for 2 years i believe.
I hope that's true, because I got 11 years there now and I'm 57. I don't have any plans to quit or retire but it's nice to know I'll be able to get my discount if I did quit.
No, there is no such thing as a "lifetime" anything with Target (except if you have 10+ years of 20 avg hrs/yr every year plus you also have to be over 55, and even under those circumstances you only get lifetime 10% discount at Target stores. If your health club continues to give you the discount, great, but if you were to tell them you are no longer with Target, they would discontinue your discount.
you have to have worked for Target for 10 years or more and be 55 or older

You have to be older than 55 when you quit, or is it reinstated once you hit 55 if you quit when younger?

ie. I start at age 20, I work for 25 years, I quit when 45, I assume when I am 60 that I will have no such discount despite having worked there for 20 years?

How about if I worked from 20-30 and then again from 53-55, is it 10 consecutive years prior to quitting, and you must quit after age 55?
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