Archived Target Mobile Mythbuster

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Nov 13, 2015
Seriously, I should change my name to that, I like it....
Anyhow, I have been doing the Mobile thing for a few years now, and keep getting surprised at how much the Store management, and by extension the Target team doesn't realize, or know about us, and what we actually do all day. So after some rather shocking revelations at my store, I decided it might be wise to come here and bust a few myths. Please feel free to add any questions, and I will be happy to answer what I can.

MYTH- Mobile is a completely solitary island, and is solely responsible for all personnel, supplies, and merchandise associated with them.
FACT- Mobile belongs to Marketsource, which is primarily a staffing company. What Marketsource own is US. Our job is to maintain the contracts between Target and Marketsource, between Carriers and Target, and between Target, Carriers and Guests. We do that by selling product, explaining and reinforcing plans and contracts, maintaning a good relationship with the rest of the Target Team and with the Guests. We also audit displays and merchandize on occasions, do demos, and if they are fairly skilled, may provide some technical support if they are asked nicely.
Target is responsible for all office supplies, merchandise recieving and ordering. Although there is a system for replacing large equipment, i.e computers and printers, that is also owned and run by Target. Target also owns ROC, the online help center and activation service we use.

MYTH- Since Target "owns" the devices, it is their discretion to provide replacements and discounts when a guest is unhappy.
FACT- Sorry, but no. Because of the nature of contracts between Target/ Carriers, and Carrier/Guest, it REALLY doesn't work that way. There is a VERY strict Carrier enforced 14 day limit on returns or exchanges, and absolutely, under no circumstances, can we EVER return a physically damaged phone, no matter how long the guest had left in return period.
Our system will not allow it, and trying is an automatic termination. This absolutely includes "defecting out" a broken phone and replacing it with a fresh one. We can't do it. Please stop trying to make us, it won't work. The system just does n't work that way.

More to come, as I think of them, or you ask...
But now I need to go sell some phones.
I have problems with our rep telling guests they can come in next week and still get the gift card.


Does not work like that.
I have problems with our rep telling guests they can come in next week and still get the gift card.


Does not work like that.
I had a guest that was told at a non-trade in store, to go to a store thst could accept them, and she could retroactively apply it to her device. I almost killed them myself! The guest was FURIOUS about that.
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