Archived Target Mobile replaces Photo Lab in certain stores

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I'm glad my store hasn't gone that route. That would be weird for me to get used to - I'm used to it being next to electronics where it belongs lol. Plus, our photo lab occupies a very small space........and God forbid RTW should lose any floorspace. 🙄
Interesting. Our Target Mobile kiosk is right next to Electronics and is staying there however with remodel we are losing photo anyway which is a win
So glad this is not happening to my store! I'd go crazy if my mobile guys moved up front. There isn't any room for them anyways, cause our photolab area is rather small. I doubt we will lose ours anytime soon as it does get quite busy there.
ours is in electronics but i actually like the idea of it being up front better! keeps the contract stuff entirely separate that way you don't have the mobile guys flooded with general electronics guests and gives the electronics TMs an easier way to make a clear delineation from the contract phones being handled by another company
It's actually only happening to a few stores that are losing photo due to it doing almost no sales. It's also only happening if it's next to GS. My stores lab is scheduled to close right before 4th quarter but it's in a hole in the wall right next to electronics, not even close to the front of the store. When mine closes it'll turn in to, or so I've been told, either an hba stockroom or just make the electronics stockroom bigger.
ours is in electronics but i actually like the idea of it being up front better! keeps the contract stuff entirely separate that way you don't have the mobile guys flooded with general electronics guests and gives the electronics TMs an easier way to make a clear delineation from the contract phones being handled by another company

I hope this happens at my store! Mobile guys & electronic tm's would be stopped cold from talking to each other for endless hours.
My guess is that eventually that front area (in stores with prototypes that allow it) will implement an iGS... and then have the apple stores/target mobile up front where GS/Photo used to be!
It's only happening at stores that don't currently have Target Mobile - stores with existing Target Mobiles aren't moving it up front...
My guess is that eventually that front area (in stores with prototypes that allow it) will implement an iGS... and then have the apple stores/target mobile up front where GS/Photo used to be!

Yep that pretty much what is happening at my store. We have iGS and my STL was exploring what to do with the space. He talked about Apple, Target Mobile, or a Clinic. I know the AP in my store likes having Target Mobile as it's a constant presence in electronics, but they would do much better with their own space. We have a dry photo lab that just moved up front so I'm sure thats going to stay put, but right now the old GS is sitting idle.
Yep that pretty much what is happening at my store. We have iGS and my STL was exploring what to do with the space. He talked about Apple, Target Mobile, or a Clinic. I know the AP in my store likes having Target Mobile as it's a constant presence in electronics, but they would do much better with their own space. We have a dry photo lab that just moved up front so I'm sure thats going to stay put, but right now the old GS is sitting idle.

That is my concern... what are we putting in the old GS place to make it worth the mini "remodel"...
That is my concern... what are we putting in the old GS place to make it worth the mini "remodel"...

If nothing else moves to where Guest Service used to be, couldn't One Spot move over there? Then there's more space for sorting reshop behind iGS.
Our photo lab closed eons ago -- right now we have the KPM as well as the recycling bins there so for our store it wouldn't be that far a stretch to put Target Mobile where it once was. It would definitely be a better use of that space. I have been to stores that have lost their photo area that have turned it into a spot to put extra vendor product.
target mobile is tanking our electronics scores. we've had several comments about them (by name and description) saying how unhelpful they are within the store (not at their target mobile location). people think they're regular tm in electronics. i wish they would go away, or at least go away to the front of the store.
Wally world already has this in the mid west


As for target doing this. Might be so they can make room for the Apple "store with in a store".
target mobile is tanking our electronics scores. we've had several comments about them (by name and description) saying how unhelpful they are within the store (not at their target mobile location). people think they're regular tm in electronics. i wish they would go away, or at least go away to the front of the store.

because people are too damn stupid to see the black shirts compared to the red that target has?
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