Archived Target offends people again!

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This is in line with the gender neutral thing, I really think it's just a non-issue and people are looking for excuses to be offended. The joke is in poor taste, but it seriously is nowhere near as bad as those people are making it out to be.
I'm surprised there hasn't been backlash about our Thanksgiving overheads saying "Thanks Gathering" yet.
So lame....although I like the dark purple color scheme.
This is in line with the gender neutral thing, I really think it's just a non-issue and people are looking for excuses to be offended. The joke is in poor taste, but it seriously is nowhere near as bad as those people are making it out to be.
Once we caved on one thing and continued to why wouldn't people keep bitching? We should have held our ground on anything not completely against good taste.
This is in line with the gender neutral thing, I really think it's just a non-issue and people are looking for excuses to be offended. The joke is in poor taste, but it seriously is nowhere near as bad as those people are making it out to be.

I agree with you. It's a non issue FOR ME. And for you. And maybe a lot of people. But maybe for some people, it is. And who am I to decide what is an issue for them.

The important thing is how companies respond to this.
This is in line with the gender neutral thing, I really think it's just a non-issue and people are looking for excuses to be offended. The joke is in poor taste, but it seriously is nowhere near as bad as those people are making it out to be.

You have seen how people are freaking the F out over a red Sbux cup? /snark. ;) These idiots are looking for any excuse to be offended.
Yeh, somebody asked a blogger what he thought about the SB cup controversy.
He said words to the effect: There are people in war zones, kids going hungry, homeless people living on the streets & you're worried about a f***king cup?! You'd think Christians would worry more about their fellow man than the type of cup they get their $6 coffee in. #Priorities
I have a friend who has ocd and she haaaates ocd jokes. The moment I saw that shirt, I knew she would rant about it because she lives in target lol. Next day she posted a long rant about it. I don't have ocd so I don't have any comments about being offended by it or not. Not my place to judge whether it's offensive. We had the same shirt last year, though.

I've seen some anger about the new commercial. Apparently they say "the tree" but they don't say "Christmas tree" or "Christmas" at all in the spot. That one I judge because the tradition of decorating trees doesn't originate with Christianity.
You have seen how people are freaking the F out over a red Sbux cup? /snark. ;) These idiots are looking for any excuse to be offended.

Except people aren't really freaking out over it. There was a huge non-to do by a conservative ex preacher has been, and it snowballed into him supposedly being offended over the cups. So people got outraged over something that didn't exist. Morons.
Shocker. People are now offended over a sweater we are selling at target that says "OCD - Obsessive Christmas Disorder".
"Whats next, a t shirt that jokes about cancer?" - says a concerned (now) ex-target shopper

Target accused of poking fun at OCD with 'Obsessive Christmas Disorder' sweater
I have OCD and I do not give one shit about this shirt. Also, you can't compare OCD with cancer. My OCD doesn't have the potential to kill me nor does it require thousands upon thousands in medical bills.

Edit: I do realize some people are different, and after thinking for a second, I do get offended when people make jokes like "that person dances like they're having a seizure." as stupid as it sounds, it just makes me feel ashamed of my condition and it kinda hurts a little. So I guess I could see how someone could be offended by this.

I still don't give a rat's ass, it doesn't offend me, but I guess I can see it. Something that may seem harmless to one may cut a little deep in another.
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I want Target to sell some shirts that have "You PC bro?" and "you better check your privilege" because I want to buy them and wear them around PC police officers.
oh good G-d... I don't think the people who designed that sweater intended it to be malicious or mock those with OCD, but I do think it was poor taste and maybe should have been thought out better! But people come on... if you don't like the sweater than don't buy it no one is forcing you to wear it!
What about the sweaters in Mens, not to mention the shirts we had over the summer...
"Jingle my bells (balls)"
"Let's get elfed up"
"Come sit on my lap" complimented by pedophile Santa winking at you with his sexy face

Target has been getting raunchy (more like subjective) with merchandise lately. But Obsessive Christmas Disorder, really people.

*waits for Donald Trump to declare boycott on Target once he wins President in 3... 2... 1...*
I have OCD. To the point that I will literally pull strands of hair out if the texture doesn't match the surrounding hair and scrub my hands so raw that I can't touch things because of the overwhelming urge to do so. I HAVE to have things a certain way, which is why I get so pissy at work when people just dump things into an already meticulously sorted cart.

However, I do not find this offensive. Yes, some people do, but why do we always have to cater to the few that are offended? If we always catered to those people, we would never create anything new, because people will always be offended at something.

If you're offended by this, then fine, don't buy it and don't wear it. But stop making it out to seem like it's some huge issue. It's a freaking sweater that promotes a saying that has literally been used for years. My grandma used to say this every year, and no one was ever offended, but now it's on a sweater so it's magically ten times worse.
I'm waiting for the gender neutrality folks to petition ConAgra foods to change the name of Chef Boyardee to Chef She-Male-Ardee.
I think we should start a rant about the dark black hole otherwise know as the World Wide Web, I hate the internet because it gives people access to other stupid people, and those two stupid people find all the other stupid people in the world, then come up with the most stupid things to bitch about.

Let's bitch about things that really matter, corporate tax avoidance look it up if you don't know what that is, you probably pay more in taxes then forture 500 company's. How about child education in the public school system?
Global warming/ ending food shortage they go hand in hand. I guess I'll stop I could go on for ever.

Ohh wait one more, I got one more,

F Starbucks and there red cups omg it's time to protest, I mean if a bright ass red cup with a green logo doesn't scream christmas then what does?

People will complain about every thing that doesn't matter and complain about nothing that does matter.
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