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"Putting the 'Hard' in 'Hardlines'"
Feb 25, 2019
Just a few quick questions:

- What's a "Flex"? example "Market team, you just got a new flex in."

- Restroom Follow up is needed. Who should respond to those? And what do you do?

- Any way to Backstock Shirts quickly, or is it just one at a time?
Flex - flexible fulfillment order, though that's a dedicated team at my store, not divided into departments.
Restroom - usually cart attendant
Shirts - 1 dpci at a time, so its faster if you grab 2 or more of the same size and style at once. And don't play on your phone or talk to other TMs and stop working while you chat. Doing the work makes the work go faster.
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Flex can also be called OPU (order pick-up). My store also has a team that takes care of these orders.
Flex - flexible fulfillment order, though that's a dedicated team at my store, not divided into depaetments.
Restroom - usually cart attendant
Shirts - 1 dpci at a time, so its faster if you grab 2 or more of the same size and style at once. And don't play on your phone or talk to other TMs and stop working while you chat. Doing the work makes the work go faster.
Okay, but when I scan the dpci then scan the shelf/box label (where I am storing the item) it only lets me Backstock one at a time. But with other items like boxers, briefs and socks it's lets me type in the quantity.

Oh and don't worry about me. I'm the only guy in my department, never play on my phone (I'm an introvert) and I actually take my job seriously.

It's just that it seems so tedious scanning each shirt, then box/shelf label, then Backstock, then repeat. So I had to ask.

Thanks for the answers, you and @Black Sheep 214 .
Oh that's bc it doesn't actually track quantities of shirts in the location. Scan one in, put 20 of the same dpci in the location. It doesn't care. If it doesn't ask it doesn't care.
Search our threads for some answers.
Search our threads for some answers.
Oh, wow! Thanks very much for the link!
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