Archived The Silence

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Feb 16, 2012
How do you guys deal with the terrible silence of lone zoning/reshopping/tasking on the sales floor?

If I've got a buddy around to talk to then I'm fine, but if I'm alone man does it get boring. Even back in electronics where I mainly work there is just so little human interaction that my brain is super wired by the end of the night from having no good workout. I wish they'd play some corny music in the store, instead of having dead silence all the time.

When I did ad-set there was no way to get through it without a podcast going in both ears. Even now I've taken to putting a bud in for the hours of work after we close. During open hours I find myself talking out loud a lot, which can be embarrassing if a guest sneaks up on you.
When I worked the sales floor i tried to concentrate on the alcoholic drinks I was going to consume after my shift.
Talk to the guests you encounter. As mind numbing that asking CIHYFS can be, it's still some form of human interaction. Even though guests may just shrug you off, they still appreciate you acknowledging them. Plus, walking them to what they're looking for can be a nice change of pace from your other tasks.
I enjoy the silence. Of course I'm from the olden times, before you had to have noise pumped into your eardrums 24/7/365.
I hated closing shifts for this reason. Made me wish there was music playing in the store (other than what you hear looping in electronics).
I hated closing shifts for this reason. Made me wish there was music playing in the store (other than what you hear looping in electronics).

That's why I always brought the ipod that I actually bought on new years day 2011 Lol.
Carts/backroom pfresh usually has an ipod/earbuds on them at all times.
I also expected "The Silence" from Doctor Who. That would be awesome. Anyway, I get pretty creative in dealing with boredom. After closing I turn on my iphone and listen to music (rock/blues/folk).

One time as everyone was walking their sections (Domestics is clear of guests! Rear seasonal is clear, etc) I got on the walkie and said "My area is clear of guests....oh wait, I see's a woman....OH MY GOSH, IT'S STEVIE NICKS!" And then I started singing into the mic in a falsetto voice: Just like the white winged dove, singin' hoo, baby, hoo!
Darn, here I thought this was going to be a Dr. Who monsters thread.
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When I'm signing I'm pretty much on my own much of the time, so I CIHYFS all the time and talk to myself way too much.
“On the fields of Trenzalore, at the fall of the eleventh, when no living creature can speak falsely or fail to answer, a Question will be asked, a question that must never, ever be answered.”
If you know anything about electronics, a few bucks worth of pieces from RadioShack a shrink tub gun and a "Brand" walkie headset can fix that. 😉

It came out of my early mornings doing InStocks, the Silence in the morning when I'm still a bit drowsy and add in the incessant beeping is even more numbing.
“On the fields of Trenzalore, at the fall of the eleventh, when no living creature can speak falsely or fail to answer, a Question will be asked, a question that must never, ever be answered.”

For someone who has a time traveling phone booth, he sure spends a lot of time in present day London.
In signing, you just get used to it. I'm prioritizing my next move, thinking about how I can do this or that faster, and I have been known to talk to my signs.... :wacko:
During my GSA yr, I closed 4 nights a week (sucks when all your coworkers are students).
I reveled in the silence after all the daytime noise.
Closing backroom is probably the most boring thing, especially if your store type is only one TM. I've known some guys to purposely pull slower just to fill up the time. I usually walk around and find random stuff to get into. Sweep, fix locations, zone, etc.
My first thought when I saw the name of this thread was that it was referring to the sound you hear after calling for back-ups, carry-outs, guest assistance, etc... over the walkies: complete silence!!!! :sarcastic3:
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