Oh my god i need to rant
our HR woman was the LOD today, as occasionally she is, and she's awful at it
I took most of the punishment of her incompetence today as well.
Got to work, the second I clocked in the GSTL called for backups to the front. I heard that she was the LOD and I started to worry about the day. Continuing, about after half an hour the first weekend rush is over, and she tells me that I'm gonna be zoning C, D, and G until they're done. That isn't awful, if I'm zoning G it only consists of dry foods, nothing past P-FRESH so no chemicals or anything. I get over to G and start the zone, get told to do abandon, start running abandon for C&D, 90 percent of the cart is electronics and toys because our GSA who was running abandon is incompetent. Electronics was really busy and I had to juggle helpning guests find stuff and finishing abandon for a solid hour.
I'm already kinda mad, LOD calls me over to furniture so she can borrow my walkie battery for "3 minutes".
I stay in furniture for 5 minutes holding an empty walkie, zoning displays, until a TM runs past and tells me they need every lane open.
Finally get off of CLs, only to be told by AP-bro that our current idiot snobby LOD wants my head because she's been calling me on the walkie (which obviously doesn't work because she took the bloody battery) to finish the zone in G.
I take a 15 with AP-bro, smoke a few cigarettes with him and he tells me to chin up, i'm halfway through my shift.
Get back inside, pirate a walkie battery from the TL office, radio the LOD and ask what I should be doing.
"Start zoning seasonal"
Get over to seasonal, she asks me for "help with a pull that's taking her forever"
The pull is literally 8 items but they're all furniture and she doesn't want to lift them. I sigh and say "sure", she says thanks and walks away. I didn't know help meant do it for me, lol
As soon as I push the CAF away to the next aisle, there is the LOD's water bottle that she carries everywhere, under the cart, with cart tracks leading up to it.
This bitch literally hid her spill to make me deal with it
I sweep it up and text my AP-bro for advice on how to not break her head in
Finally getting close to closing, it's about 8:45, guests are starting to get herded out, I get off at 9.
Over the walkie I hear her bloody voice, "Hey, hardline suicide, can you come help me out with a pull?"
Fast forward to backroom, this stupid bitch has a 45 item pull, I told her my shift ends at 9, and she says that "I can stay later".
So from 8:15 to 9:30, I'm shuttling between season to spot's happy fucking playground, back to electronics, to makeup.
Finally I get off, she doesn't even fucking thank me for my work
And the best part?
I open tomorrow!!
I've been working here for 2 bloody weeks and the only thing I want to do is off myself or get into AP, too bad I'm not 18 yet.
PS: on the note of crazy shit that happened on my shift, literally 4 guests came in throughout the day requesting specifically "17 pound butterball turkeys"
Who knows