Archived TLs! What did you receive on your review?

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Mar 31, 2016
What did you receive and what did you self review yourself?

I have yet to receive mine or my raise.. I gave myself a “DIO”.
DIO, 3.5%. Gave myself a DEO. Doesn’t matter, the move to PG45 will be bringing me above what it would have been anyway.

Despite everyone saying that they’ve heard the paygrade change won’t raise existing TLs pay, I have trouble believing that. How would they pay someone below the minimum pay for a paygrade? This is like how they’re saying the move to PG35 won’t give TMs a raise, BUT it’s also part of how they’re moving them to $13. I think it’s an accounting trick lol. Rather than having the increase impact financials by ‘raising minimum pay’, some of the increase can be considered ‘new roles’ or ‘paygrade changes’ etc. Obviously we won’t have any TMs below $13, I think we also won’t have any TLs below the PG45 base pay, which while that base could technically be lowered, would be unprecedented (I think) at target. Before you say ‘but they did it to GSAs’, remember they also changed their paygrade to PG30. If this wasn’t supposed to increase TL base pay, they would have kept PG40, and gotten rid of 45, without reducing anyone’s pay, and increasing the max to avoid any fallout from former SrTLs.
DIO 3.5% here as well. Third year in a row that my ETL said I deserved a DEO but he wasn't allowed to give it to me. My main feedback this year was that I don't take my breaks with the leadership team......................
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Such a horrible team lead you are. When they term you the reason will be you took breaks by yourself, on time when they were supposed to. If you go when they go, you may literally have to go to break as soon as you clock in. Lol for shame you bad person
I bust my ass but I can’t turn down chilling with the leadership team when the opportunity presents itself. It’s a great time to both get info out of them, and pitch ideas to them that would be scrutinized more if you did it more formally.
DIO - Basically said since I came in the areas I was responsible comped incredibly and were green every month. Only feedback is to continue to train and develop.
DIO but I had a tough 1st year and modernization isn't going to help 2nd year either
DIO - 3.5 %. Fine...... But...... last year DEO - and :
1. This year I worked more, harder, better, more confidently, with less assistance, with fewer mistakes than last year.
2. Perfect attendance BOTH years.
3. NO suggestions given on what to do better/different for an improved review next year
4. Metrics in DIO year better than metrics in DEO year
5. New PG will raise my pay anyway, giving me 3.5 or 6 wouldn’t matter, except for my confidence, self esteem, feeling of
being appreciated/recognized, which didn’t exist this year - so in the end you made me 😡 instead of 🥰 and the
End result will be the same anyway. Would have been no different result to make me happy to be here .
Looks more like I didn’t deserve it LAST year ;(, I see no hope for next year.....kinda burnt out trying so hard for nothing.
The way Target is doing things, you basically need to do just enough to not get fired and you will get the same review score as everyone else. Which is a terrible attitude to have, but until they stop raising the minimum and start giving raises based on actual performance, I don't know how else to view it.
Congrats, IP.
Congrats, IP.
Thanks all :)
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