Archived To those who came back to spot: any regrets?

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Hasta Ba Rista, Baby!
Jun 9, 2011
I've seen a lot of posts on here about folks who've left spot but, for sundry reasons, came back (or went to another store).
I left to take care of an elderly family member & my kids as well as escaping a dysfunctional area but things have changed both at home & my old store.
An experienced TL is in Starbucks now & they've asked me to consider coming back.
Truth be told, there's a few TMs I come in to see whenever I'm shopping & the leadership is always friendly when I see them.
I talked to an HRTM who's a long-time friend & she said they'd take me back in a heartbeat.
I remember some miserable times but this time I wouldn't have to work full time & scrabble for hours so, what do you think?
Would I be nuts coming back?
I quit for a few months because of issues with my STL and ended up going back, but to a different store. My new stores leadership at the time was a lot better (now it's kind of going downhill, but still better than the old store) and I don't regret coming back. If you go back and it doesn't go well, you can always quit again. I would say just go for it and see what happens.
I regret nothing. My first time with spot, I worked in Softlines. It was fine. The only reason I left was for school, so I started knowing it was probably going to be temporary. I hated it because I was working 2 jobs at the time, but my hatred had nothing to do with Target.

I decided to come back because I needed something quick, I like target, and I knew they would hire me again. And of course, they took me back with open arms. I still think it's fine. I don't plan on building a career here, so I don't care about benefits and what not. It's just a paycheck, and it's one I don't mind giving away my time for.
Also, although I have not done this, there have been other tms at my store who have either come back, or changed roles and they are happy enough about it. When you don't have to worry so much about hours other responsibilities it seems to be easier. Come to work, chat with guests, make them coffee, and go home. I was recently support help for another store. Just backstocking for 8 hours. No guest/TM issues. It was glorious.

That said, if you come back wanting part time, you will probably be scheduled 40.:rolleyes:.
@Yetive: of course I'm gonna wait 'til frappy hour is over ;)
I talked to the other baristas & they all say the current SBTL is stellar.
Husband says it's cool as long as it doesn't make me crazy again (no guarantees) & a little extra $$ would be helpful at Christmas so I guess I'll see if they'll take me back.
You are not crazy, Red. I have considered coming back. Yes even me, the grandest hater of all things Target, would come back. Though under MUCH different circumstances than what I was dealing with when I left. First, it would need to be a different store, and I'd need to somehow feel out the quality of the store's leadership before signing up. Last thing I want is to have a leadership as bad as or worse than my previous store's. Second, I'd need to be making more money than I currently am, so I'd probably be in a TL role. I've decided I'd be okay with that, but again, only as long as I'm being treated fairly. I know it's a lot to ask for!

Most likely I'll never go back, but the point is, I'm not totally opposed to it. My old store I'd absolutely never return to unless all executive leadership were fired, including the STL and about four or five of the ETLs. In other words, it ain't gonna happen. That place was absolutely toxic and it isn't worth my mental health going back to that. Plus, I'm pretty sure they hated me anyway so they likely wouldn't rehire me.
Hmm I was asked if I wanted to come back in a ETL role lol hell no the amount of pay is not the hours you work plus I don't work weekends and still salary mid 60K range now if I didn't have to worry about red cards and the pay was the same then maybe because I sit on my ass all day and that is boring as hell plus our meetings suck but my boss is awesome
What makes it appealing is being only PT & not enduring the pressures like before.
And yeh, I can leave if it starts getting crazy again.
Look at me I went back. Target isn't a horrible awful hell hole (at least not until you leave and have time to think about it) and I think you seem like you really want to go back.
I miss my peeps, too :oops:
This is my exact problem at the moment. I miss my team, but sadly they are not worth going back to spot for especially since I've heard the ETL's are dropping like flies since the new STL showed up. I got out just in time. I will still see them, but I'm happy where I'm at.
Welp, that was quick.
I was just finishing my app when one of the ETLs (who was new when I left) took me back for my interview, or as she called it - pencil-whipping.
She asked about my past experience at spot (which was fun to watch her expression when she realized how long I'd worked there & how much I knew) then asked if I could start before week's end (?!).
New baristas start at only .45 less per hr than what I left at & I was considered 'experienced' so they bumped me up to my old rate :D
The SBTL told me they can only spare about 2 shifts/week (which is fine with me) but it would get busy during BTS.
They also said I could always pick up cashier shifts if I wanted more hours; I kept a straight face on that one o_O
Back in black, baby.
Welp, that was quick.
I was just finishing my app when one of discount usTLs (who was new when I left) took me back for my interview, or as she called it - pencil-whipping.
She asked about my past experience at spot (which was fun to watch her expression when she realized how long I'd worked there & how much I knew) then asked if I could start before week's end (?!).
New baristas start at only .45 less per hr than what I left at & I was considered 'experienced' so they bumped me up to my old rate :D
The SBTL told me they can only spare about 2 shifts/week (which is fine with me) but it would get busy during BTS.
They also said I could always pick up cashier shifts if I wanted more hours; I kept a straight face on that one o_O
Back in black, baby.


2 shifts sounds perfect to me. A few extra bucks each week, PLUS you get your discount back. To me the discount is the best part, I miss mine so very much!!!
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