Transgender and Bathrooms

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Don't let the ignorant rants of pro-LGBT and those who favor mentally unstable trannies, perverts, and child molestors, over the safety of children and women affect your beliefs. Just because you're still wearing the red and khakis, that doesn't automatically make you as stupid as your dumbass co-workers who love that any man can go in the womens restroom whenever they want. If a customer comes up to you, and says they're uncomfortable taking their kids into the public restroom, tell them to use the family restroom, or the private one by pharmacy. If those are occupied, tell them to use the backroom restroom. If someone says they can't use the backroom restroom, then they are being discriminated against by Target.
Sign the Boycott Target Pledge!
Again. I would advise you to quit Target if you're so adamantly against the bathroom policy. Like I said before (if you even bothered to read my post), quitting your job would make much more of an impact than signing a petition from a largely unfavorable and disliked nonprofit, not to mention about 75% of your petition signers won't keep their pledge. I'm just trying to help you out, it would really benefit all parties involved here if you just quit. Target's core belief is about diversity, inclusivity, and equality. These are all traits you are firmly against, so it would seem to me that would go against your morals to work for such a philanthropic corporation. So just quit. You working for Target is similar to you repeatedly stabbing yourself, hating the fact that you're stabbing yourself, then continue to stab yourself.
LOL. You'd be making more of a protest/statement by just quitting your job. If you're against tolerance and respect for other human beings, go work for Walmart. Oh wait, I forgot, Walmart has the same bathroom policy too, as do most public businesses. Damn, seems like you just can't get away from those pesky transgendered people (people who are obviously all terrible, disturbed perverted monsters in your opinion). In public bathrooms. Emphasis on public, because you know, they're meant for the public to use, and is plain outright discrimination to say that a group of people don't have the right to use a public bathroom.

By signing that petition, here's what you're actually saying. "I am a closed minded, intolerant, hateful, naive bigot against transgendered people because all transgendered people are perverted, disturbed, monsters. Transgendered people should not have the same rights as me, and therefore transgendered people are lesser than me and their life and their rights should not be respected as much as my own are."
You had missed the Black Friday protest.
Since this topic seems to be kicking up a lot of dust I think it'd be smart to just remove the public restrooms altogether. Why do we even provide the restrooms in the first place? I've stood up front and watched people come in the door as soon as they're opened and go straight to the restroom just to stink it up! Why the hell don't they use their own toilet before leaving their house in the morning??? If we just removed the restrooms we could add more shelf space to sell more merchandise and think of the time we'd save not having to do all those restroom checks every hour. Also we would save a lot of money on paper supplies also and spend less time on sap ordering the stuff.
Well here in the Palmetto State, we've seen our sales slump. It actually sucks because we were doing pretty well for the year and hours were picking up, but they just cut a bunch of ours for 2 weeks out. I really hope this stuff passes or I'll be pretty upset that with such a public and politicised way of announcing this, they throw the livelihoods of stores in the Bible Belt as collateral damage for a corporate policy we already have. It sucks that there aren't droves of trans and pro-LBGTQ activists in our area to make up for the loss of conservative soccer moms. With all that being said, I am all for the inclusionary policy and think this pedo bathroom stuff is just a boogey man, and a little sexist to say that:
-all rapists and pedos are men
-it's okay for little boys to go to the bathroom with pedo men but not ever to risk our valuable daughters because how else will we be able to get two cows and thee chickens if her chastity isn't intact

Pedos don't even molest children in bathrooms, and even the ones who do the stranger danger pedoing don't go into bathrooms where anybody can walk in at any time. Most pedos are experienced, and you can't be an experienced pedo without being smart, and you can't be smart by molesting in a place where anybody can walk in, where the parents are nearby, where people can see you coming and going with relative ease, and where cameras can time signature and prove you were there. So again, I'm all for the policy, but getting paid is the only reason I'm at Target, so when my hours start getting the hit, it's really frustrating.
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Since this topic seems to be kicking up a lot of dust I think it'd be smart to just remove the public restrooms altogether. Why do we even provide the restrooms in the first place? I've stood up front and watched people come in the door as soon as they're opened and go straight to the restroom just to stink it up! Why the hell don't they use their own toilet before leaving their house in the morning??? If we just removed the restrooms we could add more shelf space to sell more merchandise and think of the time we'd save not having to do all those restroom checks every hour. Also we would save a lot of money on paper supplies also and spend less time on sap ordering the stuff.

There are laws about places that serve food and that have over x number of square feet having to have public rest rooms.
You can have locks on them so that people have to ask to use them every time (wouldn't that be fun) but you have to have them.
This thread has provided a lot of laughs. The lengths people go to in order to preserve discrimination is never anything short of amazing. Quote religion, 'risk', or old fashioned ways, I don't care. Bigots gone big.
Our store has been getting threats about it.
I don't even live in a really conservative area....
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