Archived Uh, you're in MY store, bub

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Formina Sage

Probably still better than you at the stacker
Staff member
May 15, 2011
Today I read the updated guest comments from the surveys. One read approximately something like this:

It is frustrating when I am trying to shop and a clerk who is stocking shelves gets in my way with their carts, etc.

Alright, first of all, we're not "clerks". Secondly, fine, we won't stock shelves during the day; that way you can instead complain about how nothing is in stock and you can't find anything. Last time I checked, YOU were the guest in OUR store, and shopping here is a privilege extended to you by us.

Maybe I'm picking nits, but come on now. How many TM's actually got in your way while working pulls as you were trying to shop? 1? 2? And it was for all of three seconds? Is that the part of your shopping trip that really stood out to you the most?

My question would be, did the "clerk" offer to assist you or move so you could get the product you wanted? Often times guests are in aisles I need in, but do I complain to them? Of course not. I just move to another aisle or offer to assist them. Just a common curtesy.
I get alot.. ALOT of guest that see you pulling a pallet and at the top of your lungs says EXCUSE ME WATCH YOURSELF.. and yet they proceed to walk directly into you?! The whole time maintaining eye contact, and yet they will complain about it..

Or I'll get someone instead of having common sense and moving over since their isnt room in the aisle for both of us.. no they give you a look and try to force they way pass you.. The whole time I stare at them and move in more to squeeze them against the shelf
I get alot.. ALOT of guest that see you pulling a pallet and at the top of your lungs says EXCUSE ME WATCH YOURSELF.. and yet they proceed to walk directly into you?! The whole time maintaining eye contact, and yet they will complain about it.

Why are guests and pallets coming into contact? You're not suppose to have pallets on the salesfloor during open store hours.
Why are guests and pallets coming into contact? You're not suppose to have pallets on the salesfloor during open store hours.

Great by 8! ...Yeah right. In our store, Flow is still pushing Toys and Sporting Goods at 11 o'clock... 😡
In my oppinion, flow should be overnight in every store. Guests having to shop around cages of trash and flats of freight is not really acceptable, but I guess that decision is above my paygrade, so oh well.
First off I hate calling them guests. Even though by now its becoming second nature. Their customers. A guest is someone I invite in to my home who treats me and my residence with respect.

That being off my chest one in a while when I see a "guest" blabbering on their cell phone while checking out or making an ungodly mess. I want to ask "Excuse me, but do I come to your work place and act in this way?"
First off I hate calling them guests. Even though by now its becoming second nature. Their customers. A guest is someone I invite in to my home who treats me and my residence with respect.

That being off my chest one in a while when I see a "guest" blabbering on their cell phone while checking out or making an ungodly mess. I want to ask "Excuse me, but do I come to your work place and act in this way?"

First off I hate calling them guests. Even though by now its becoming second nature. Their customers. A guest is someone I invite in to my home who treats me and my residence with respect.

That being off my chest one in a while when I see a "guest" blabbering on their cell phone while checking out or making an ungodly mess. I want to ask "Excuse me, but do I come to your work place and act in this way?"

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