Archived Unfair treatment by TL

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Mar 13, 2017
Ok, so I'm a PA at target and have been one for roughly 2 years. We are currently doing a re-model and are proceeding with the new rollout at our store. I was informed by by TL and HR-ETL that everyone in the department(both p-fresh and dry) would be getting a $1.50 raise except for me(roughly 10 TMs in the department). They told me that I don't get a raise because I already make too much as the PA.

I approached them about a possible raise and told my HR-ETL and STL that it's not right that everyone gets the raise but me. They told me there is nothing that they can do. I've found out from talking to TMs that with their raises, some are now making more money then me even though I'm supposed to be leading them, and have a greater workload.

I also approached my TL about this and told them that I don't think this is fair or right at all. They proceeded to tell me that I was given a free ride these past few years, and that I only do 2-3 percent of my job. This TL clearly doesn't like me, and is prone to nepotism. This TL has several of their family members working for them and they get the weekends off, even though I don't and several other TM's who've been with the company for a long time also don't get the weekends off.

I really don't know what to do about this situation other than quit.
My ETL-HR is usually pretty good about going to bat for TMs regarding pay, but it might truly be out of their hands. Your TL shouldn't have any family members in their departments they oversee. I would start by talking to your ETL and your ETL-HR to see how they feel about it.

Make sure you have your ammo, though. You should be able to speak to what you do on a daily basis and that your TL is completely wrong about you only doing a marginal amount of work. Your TL should never be saying stuff like that to you, I would probably rip them if I overheard it, but at the very least you should be comfortable working in your workcenter if the pay raise can't be resolved.
So TL's aren't allowed to have family members on the their team? Is this something I should call the hotline about? I really don't care if I make waves at this point.

Also, pretty sure she's trying to replace me with her nephew as the PA. He got trained how to do TPC the other day even though I'm the only PA in the morning, and also got trained on doing the order for produce. This TL recognized him and only him at a huddle the other day.

Thank you for your response btw anathema.
I got 40 cents last review. I believe I'm a level 6, but others who are lower are making more because of the 1.50 raise Yes in market 100 percent, but I do backup cashier and also am the backup receiver.
IMO- I would sit down and write down everything that was said. TL xyz said this ...etl said this so on and so forth. Next, if they have never mentioned any performance issues concerning you ( until you brought up money) yea that's a little shady. If there was an issue with you not doing your job they should had mentioned that before now. The mere fact that they wait until money is an issue to bring it up is a red flag. IMO they feel as though they were backed in a corner ( how dare a tm try to go to bat for themselves) and they had to come out swinging. So, if they haven't said anything about your performance until now...clearly your performance cant be that much the issue. I would take my notes and ask to speak to your etl/ hr or srtl/ hr. I would explain to them once again how you feel. I would ask about the tls having relatives working under them . I also would make sure to bring up about your past reviews and how your work ethic was never questioned before so why is it now . Then sit back and listen to what the etl srt hr have to say. Then, after you have talked to them and you still feel as though you got no where you may need to go to the stl. Then, if that doesn't get results it would be time for the hotline .
Did you get a deo or dio, on the last review? Depending on what your review said on the last page, if you had issues or did great things.also, the pa job does not exist anymore.
I got the middle level effective I think. It wasn't a bad review. In my time at target I've gotten 42 , 41, and 40 cents. So I'm not a lousy TM by any stretch.

I didn't know that about the PA nobody at my store tells me these things
There was on my review. 3 columns I got middle in every category I'll post a picture if you don't believe me
@Hardlinesmaster there are 3 review grades:

So DIO is definitely the middle one.

And there is still such a thing as a PA, but it's now called FA (Food Assistant). Pay and job is still the same as a PA.
@Hardlinesmaster there are 3 review grades:

So DIO is definitely the middle one.

And there is still such a thing as a PA, but it's now called FA (Food Assistant). Pay and job is still the same as a PA.

I have not seen the ion one. On pa status, nothing has been mentioned at my store. Sorry for the error.
Thank you for the picture. I got DIO on literally every section.
Were the TM's who were getting paid before "Market E2E" on the Flow Team?

When I was a PA I knew a lot of Flow TM's got paid more than I did due to their 4am Start time and having an already decent Pay Grade. This on top of $1.50 raise. would likely easily put them higher than you.
Were the TM's who were getting paid before "Market E2E" on the Flow Team?

When I was a PA I knew a lot of Flow TM's got paid more than I did due to their 4am Start time and having an already decent Pay Grade. This on top of $1.50 raise. would likely easily put them higher than you.

The new market rollout does not include a raise for the food assistant. My theory is the position will be phased out via attrition. All the duties of a PA are now expected of regular food team members. Pretty lame if you ask me.
I feel you on the pay change since I took on 2 more areas that usually have their own TL with no change in pay. In my store my PAs (or FAs now, I guess) aren't really taking on any new duties because I'm just using them for open market for the most part. I would still like to be able to give them a raise because now they do have to keep a closer eye than normal on the new food TMs for when they help push C&S, but it isn't a battle I'll win.
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