Archived Unnecessary team lead firing

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I make nowhere near 350 a week and I still don't think $775 is a lot lol. Honestly, though, $59 per week isn't even worth taking a shower for. Let alone getting in the expensive ass taxi to go wait in an unemployment line. A lot of people at my store don't drive and depending on the county they live in, it wouldn't even be worth it, in my opinion.

Anyway, my ap was fired. He's been with target for at least 10 years. I hear the reasoning was "insubordination" which isn't even unbelievable, but it's crazy because he's been the same way (he goes too far IMO and the etl ap is never as gung ho as he is so the difference in philosophies...) for years and they've never even tried to get him to change, but now he's fired?
Disclaimer: I don't know the actual details but this is my interpretation for now.
They used insubordination as the reason on mine as well.
Which lead to my unemployment being denied.
I challenged it,there was a hearing over the phone, the unemployment office ruled for me.
I'm sure it was a cheap way to try to get out of paying, if I hadn't been willing to fight back.
I dont know the actual case here and maybe is true it was a non warranted firing but sometimes I feel we are blind to the bad when its someone we like. My first real mentor at Target was a team lead who was in double digits of service and I thought she was the greatest team lead ever. It was not until after she left for another store did I realize it was only because I liked her as a person was she any good at her job. She used to have us hide reshop in repack boxes that came off the trucks to make the overnight team deal with it. Back when OT was pretty much allowed in the early 2000's during 4th quarter I would say only 25% of her hours worked during OT was really any productive. Do you really need one of your highest paid TL's working OT to do half heartly do reshop?

After she left the true stories came out... It made me rethink my positive light on her....

Like I said maybe this person was the greatest thing ever but sometimes its not always true even if we believe it to be.

Years of service also means nothing as well after a certain point. At a certain point you peak and there isnt that many new situations that someone with 2 yeas of experience wont be able to replicate of someone with 10-20. My former boss at my new job was good at his job and held it for 8 years but I have taken over for him and in less than a year I have already surpassed him in performance according to all of those in the office.
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