Archived Vacation and sick payout question.

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Dec 9, 2015
I'm planning on leaving target at the end of January and have about 50 hours of sick and vacation saved up. I've been with the company about 3 years too. I heard vacation doesn't get paid out after January 1st? Is this true? Besides hr etl how can I find out the answer to this question. I'm in California by the way.
All vacation accrued before January 1st will be paid out. Any vacation accrued after January 1st will not be paid out (unless your state law requires it). Any vacation used will come from the payout bank first.
Question! What about if one does NOT want to quit, yet has lots of accrued sick time. Can that sick time be cashed out upon request? Like the OP, I've been with Target for 3 years as well and have roughly 50 hours of sick time. I'm never going to use all that, can I just cash it out so I can have that money? If so, do I just talk to HR? Does anyone know about how much money that is?
Question! What about if one does NOT want to quit, yet has lots of accrued sick time. Can that sick time be cashed out upon request? Like the OP, I've been with Target for 3 years as well and have roughly 50 hours of sick time. I'm never going to use all that, can I just cash it out so I can have that money? If so, do I just talk to HR? Does anyone know about how much money that is?
No. Payout is not an option.
When it comes to vacation pay from Target, we should be allowed to say "shut up and listen to my order" when quitting and dealing with vacation hours payouts.

Target has no business or right touching vacation hours. Those hours are earned by team members who get paid sweatshop wages. Corporate, ETLs, and the STL should not be allowed to interfere with those EARNED and DESERVED vacation hours.

Not everyone has the luxury of a contract and salary.

I have 160 hours of vacation time and those hours are MINE. Not Target's.

I EARNED THOSE. I earned them by enduring a shitty sweatshop environment.
Back on topic: I use a tiny bit of vacation almost every week. You can use vacation up to your average hours every week, so I do that on the beginning of each new week. If I worked 39.97 hours the week before, I would use .03 vacation hours because my average hours is currently at 40. It's not much, but it makes for a more consistent paycheck, plus I have about 190 hours so I need to use up as much as I can before I stop accruing it.
190 hours? Bravo! A month's worth and some change of pay. Well done.
Yep. I should end up getting paid out 15-20 hours at the end of January, and then I'll have a couple weeks to use it before I stop accruing. My new max that I can hold will be 180.
To the OP: I'd start putting in time off requests right now for Jan so you can use that time up before you go.
Put them in as ACTUAL DAYS OFF because you won't be able to use more than your weekly avg.
Since many areas will be cutting hrs to the bone, you might be able to use them up quickly rather than lose them.
Anyone else noticing the request time off/vacation button missing on my time self service??
We have a sign by the e h r computer. That says you cant submit time off and or submit the use of vac hours until after Jan 1st. I also am not able to change my direct deposit information either .
Nice of them to pass that information on.

When are we ever kept up to speed on anything?

My store is usually terrible about communicating such things to non-huddle-goers (i.e. TMs who aren't scheduled early enough to go to the huddle), but even we have a sign near the timeclock about the time off request issues.
Is this just a system update or are they changing the vac/ph policy?
Policy is changing. All vacation accrued as of January 1st will no longer be paid out upon parting with the company unless your state requires it. Vacation earned before the 1st of the year will still be paid out, but that vacation will be used first when you use vacation. You can now only hoard up to 1.5 times the annual amount of your accrual limit. If you are over that now, you will receive a check for the difference.
Policy is changing. All vacation accrued as of January 1st will no longer be paid out upon parting with the company unless your state requires it. Vacation earned before the 1st of the year will still be paid out, but that vacation will be used first when you use vacation. You can now only hoard up to 1.5 times the annual amount of your accrual limit. If you are over that now, you will receive a check for the difference.

But the hours accrued up to January 1st can still be paid out, correct? I plan to use my hours before I leave anyway, just curious.
But the hours accrued up to January 1st can still be paid out, correct? I plan to use my hours before I leave anyway, just curious.
Correct. Since it's a new policy, they have to treat the old hours as what they told us was the policy for them.
I'm planning on transferring when I move this spring- should I use up my hours before then just to be safe, you think?
I would think that is kept at a corporate level so it shouldn't matter what store you are at. But this is Target, so I honestly don't know. Maybe someone who has transferred stores could chime in to confirm that vacation and that goes with you.
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