Archived What are the "13 steps" in backroom?

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Oct 18, 2014
I keep hearing it tossed around the store and in this forum but never got an explanation of what it actually means. Can someone break down the details?
I keep hearing it tossed around the store and in this forum but never got an explanation of what it actually means. Can someone break down the details?
13 steps went away. But 13 steps was basically a way to fix your brla, by auditing the aisle , using BEST ( barcode facing forward , efficiency low and tight, sto-logic and there dpci per Waco) pulling the ptm, all decode and underline NOP , item merge , empty location report , auditing 20 random locations and etc
13 steps went away. But 13 steps was basically a way to fix your brla, by auditing the aisle , using BEST ( barcode facing forward , efficiency low and tight, sto-logic and there dpci per Waco) pulling the ptm, all decode and underline NOP , item merge , empty location report , auditing 20 random locations and etc

copy/paste from a different thread:

1.has item merge been completed
2. Is daily audit done.
3.empty location audit
4.labels scannable
5.profile accurate
6.wrong fillgroups pulled
7.correct fillgroup paper up.
8.nop pulled and mysuporrted.
9.stuff that's been there forever pulled and pushed??
10.partial casepacks pulled and stod correctly
11.low and pro
12.and overstock identified and plan to do with it.

Sure that's all of them and think 9 is right. These are the "steps"... Just might not be in the right order
what is low and pro? sto logic? efficiency low and tight? item merge?
Low and pro = dropping the boxes down , efficiency
Sto-Logic = backstock the item in an existing location
Item merge = old dpcis converting to new dpcis for active planogram
It was weird that they pushed 12 (13) steps after it kind of went away initially...half of the steps aren't even applicable, you can condense them into like 3 or 4...
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