Archived What happens if...

  • Thread starter lovelyz
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you just stop showing up?
if they fire you, will it show up on your background check or anything?
just asking..... for a friend.......................................... :)
They'll be marked in Target's hiring system as Non-rehirable. It won't affect "your friend" outside of Target, unless they run into one of these managers again sometime down the road.
Just call and say you won't be coming in, so it doesn't take three days of them holding your job wondering if you will come in. At least give them a little heads up to plan.
Job abandonment. You won't qualify for unemployment and you'll never be able to get hired by Target again. You're better off quitting over the least years down the line you have *some* chance of getting rehired.

I mean your friend. Your friend should quit over the phone.
Always best to at least call so they can cover the shifts, if they are going to what with it being the beginning of the year and all.
It's reasonable to give some notice but sometimes you just can't.

So tell your friend to call them.
Your friend should really just go in and tell HR they are leaving. Your friend is an adult, and adults don't just stop showing up for things they have made commitments to. Even if you care nothing for Target, or your store's leadership, it's still incredibly rude to every other person affected by your friend not showing up for work for days. All of their friends at work now have to work harder (for the same pay) to pick up the slack. People will have to change their schedule at the last minute to provide coverage for this missing team member.

Obviously your friend can do whatever it is she wants to do. But even if I HATED the job, or worse, just didn't care anymore... I would at least give my store a heads up that I was done and wasn't going to be coming into work anymore.
Seems like your friend's store will be thankful for it. They'll probably be appreciative of not having to go through the lengthy process of firing your friend. I mean, no one wants a TM who doesn't have integrity. Job abandonment = no integrity!
Only a turd leaves people hanging.

Your friend is a turd.
Unless you are moving away and never plan to work in retail or shop at stores anymore, it will probably come back to bite you. Even if you think it won't, you might be surprised.

I worked at Target while I was in school. When I finished my MBA and took a corporate job, they didn't take me off the schedule in time to avoid conflict with the start date of my new "real" job. I was tempted to just let Target deal with it since I had told them before the schedule was posted, and I was moving on to bigger and better things.

When I came back to work at the same Target after losing my job last year, so that my family could afford to have a modest Christmas instead of nothing at all, I was really glad I handled my departure professionally and didn't abandon my job all those years ago.

You will never regret doing the right thing.
I would offer HR two week notice, they will probably tell your friend to just to finish the week if at all. It's the right thing to do, I would not put them as a job reference though unless they have been working there for a year, had average or better performance, and gave them two weeks notice.
If your "friend" could give two weeks notice that would be best but I would at least call the store or tell them you no longer wish to work there. To me its not about looking out for Spot its about looking out for yourself and never burning bridges unless you have too. Good luck to you and your "friend"
You might think it will be funny to really screw over leadership and leave them scrambling...but really all that will happen is they will laugh and talk shit about you behind your back, while your fellow TMs will be forced to do the same job you hate for the same pay. Only they will have to work harder to pick up your slack (they've probably already been doing this).

And no, it won't show up on a criminal background check that you stopped showing up for your minimum wage retail job...
my friend says thanks everyone1

btw she is not a "adult" yet ... she's still minor
my friend says thanks everyone1

btw she is not a "adult" yet ... she's still minor
All the more reason to stay on good terms so you can use them as a reference. At this point you probably don't have a lot of professional colleagues that can endorse your work, and managers are usually more credible than peers or personal references.
Spot will only say if you worked for them or not. I believe they used to say if you were rehireable, but not anymore.

However personally I've had ETLs give me recommendations for jobs outside of target and school. Not all will. But I find its best to not burn bridges.
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