Archived What happens to hours when someone calls out?

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Nov 26, 2017
Let's say someone who works in plano calls out. Can plano still use those unused hours weeks later or do they lose it at some point?

Just wondering because we apparently have like 80 hours of call outs and were behind.
if your store (not just plano/your department) is over hours for this month (very possible; it's October) then you're never gonna see those hours again

if the hours were from a previous payroll month (september) then you're not getting those hours back
If the team is not all at a full 40 hours for that week, we use those hours the same week to get them there. My PTL will also add in hardlines team members to fill back behind Plano with those hours too. But if we are at end of month the etls over spent on payroll and are cutting, we lose those hours.
If people call off we tend to use those hours as we see fit. Someone called off in plano and it’s busier than expected today? I’m using those hours to extend cashiers or people to do reshop. Market called off? Cool, now I have hours to have someone come in on Tuesday to help me with a project. The understanding among leadership at my store is, if your team calls off, those hours they didn’t come in for aren’t your workcenter’s anymore. Helps to keep the leaders on top of their team’s attendance. In fact, this related to the coaching conversation/documentation for attendance; not being present for your scheduled shift is detrimental to your team and the whole store because others now have to make up for your absence and pick up your workload, and less gets done.
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