Archived What to do when your cart attendant doesn't show up?

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Communicate with the LOD. Let them know your CA is a NCNS. Sometimes things just simply don't get communicated. I've seen more than a few times where I'll call the LOD about a NCNS and be told, "Oh, I'm sorry, I forgot to tell you."

Come up with a plan. Know who has experience on carts, maybe you can send them outside (providing you have enough help)

depending on your store/LOD you may be told what you're going to do, or your LOD may expect you to know your team and who can do carts.

You may have to go out yourself.

One of our cart attendants has health issues, so I've been in the situation many times when I've had to scramble for a cart attendant, or if I had two GSAs, I would end up outside.
Hahaha. Cart attendant hours? Unless it's a weekend in 4th quarter, those don't exist. So, most of the time it fell to the GSA to get them. Sure, you can cover those lane lights and see if you need back up from the lot, right? I loved when the LOD would make me get carts all night but then get upset when I couldn't confirm whether or not we needed back up. Which the hell is it?

This stopped after one day in February when I got carts for two hours straight. I had to stop because my hip hurt so bad, I was nearly in tears. It was referred back pain. Took 6 months to heal. I refused to get carts ever again. Luckily that was also the point that the etl-GE decided the GSA needed to be able to cover the lanes from inside the building (crazy idea, I know).

So, if I was there, they got used to the idea I would not get carts. The LOD went a lot...sometimes the salesfloor would...but it depended who was there. Sometimes I would take over for a cashier so they could do it.

Many times I would call it out and be ignored. Eventually I would just let the LOD know we were out. Figured they got paid a hell of a lot more than I did to care.

This is why we GSAs loved fourth quarter. Any time we had a cart attendant (who didn't completely suck) our night was so much easier...even if it was fourth quarter.
We'll get 3 or 4 people to go out and grab carts real quick. Our STL is usually one of the first to volunteer.
As well it should be!

We had a cart attendant who would either be chronically late or NCNS/call off. If we couldn't get anyone to stay and do it the salesfloor would be alerted and every so often the LOD and some of the salesfloor would go out and get carts. LOD would handle defectives. Salesfloor would take turns with carry outs.
If you can't handle being a Cart Attendant at the store you applied for, and wanted a JOB, then you need to move back in with your parents.

Let them coddle and protect you, until you grow UP.
If you can't handle being a Cart Attendant at the store you applied for, and wanted a JOB, then you need to move back in with your parents.

Let them coddle and protect you, until you grow UP.
He started as backroom, then was moved to CA.
His reasoning was he got a better job across town and couldn't make it on time. They let him transfer but not after ripping him a new one.
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