Find out who orders TIPP for your store and when. If you work at the lanes it will be the GSTL who writes the front-end orders for bags, paper, and such. If you are in Flow then your TL might write the occasional request but double check with your POG-TM because they probably request TIPP supplies once a week (I know we do). Point being, find someone who actually gets supplies order. Even better would be finding the teammember who places the order each week.
Give them a written list of the badge needed with what name is needed -- include four names on the list. TIPP can only place orders for badges in groups of four. Whoever orders your TIPP is more likely to place the request if they can fill all four badges with needed names. Conversely, they are more likely to hold off on ordering (and likely to forget) if they only have one or two names.
That's how it went down at my store anyway....