Archived Why send TLs to train at different Targets?

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Jul 16, 2011
So irritating...when target internally promotes someone why do they send them away to a different target for their training? By different I mean different model, different volume, different staffing, and different start times, and different ways of doing things. I'm dealing with this right now, the new Instocks/Backroom TL just got back from his week of training, and after only having one week total experience in Instocks, is asking me why I do things differently at our ULV store than the way they taught him how to do it the super target he trained at. Well genius, they start at 4 am and have 5 or 6 people doing research. At our joke of a store, we have ONE person do research on truck days, and while we start at SIX am, I HAVE TO HELP WITH THE TRUCK UNLOAD FOR THE FIRST TWO HOURS!!!

And on a similar note, when they do the interview process at Target, why do they have TL's from different areas interview people for areas of the store that are not under their supervision. I think it's retarted that like a GSTL, or a softlines TL is making the hiring decisions for things like backroom or flow. Maybe that's why about 50 percent of our new hires do not work out and either get fired or quit within 1 to 3 weeks.

Mixed feelings on this one.
Yes, sending them to a store that operates completely differently from your own seems counter intuitive.
However basic procedure should be the same for all Targets and anybody who is worth their salt as a trainer should be able to explain the how the operations are unique from store to store.
I trained in the store I work in and I'm not so sure that it was a good thing.
The signing specialist was burned out on the job, had been doing it for years his own way, and had never trained anyone before.
Not the best of all combinations.
All training should be done at ULV as a worst case scenario. That way, they know the worst of the worst.
I've been with target for many many years and don't know ULV stands for? University of Las Vegas? lol Also while on this topic what does CTL stand for as everyone on the message board writes, I think it is something food related.
I've been with target for many many years and don't know ULV stands for? University of Las Vegas? lol Also while on this topic what does CTL stand for as everyone on the message board writes, I think it is something food related.

Ultra Low Volume.

Volume class C or below.

I worked and trained for my TL spot in a AA store. My new home store that I was trasfered to and am now in is a B store. Luckily its for P-Fresh so the processes dont differ too much, just in the amount of freight
I've been with target for many many years and don't know ULV stands for? University of Las Vegas? lol Also while on this topic what does CTL stand for as everyone on the message board writes, I think it is something food related.

CTL stands for Consumables Team Lead. In charge of pFresh and dry grocery but I don't know how it works in Super Targets
I figured out what ULV stands for and I don't even work for Target.

The reason for training people at different stores is no different from the reason for cross training within a store.

They want for that person to have a variety of experiences, which in theory, will lead to them being better prepared to do their job.

Also, in theory, every store within a given company should be doing the same things in the same way.

Yes, I know that's not how it works, but that's how it's supposed to work and that's how it's seen from corporate level.
In the lower volume stores there isn't anybody to train them! When we got a new Pricing TL, there wasn't a single person on the Pricing team to even tell them what pricing was.
I always thought the "district trainers" for a specific process/position are chosen based on scores, and trainees are often sent to their stores for that reason.
CTL stands for Consumables Team Lead. In charge of pFresh and dry grocery but I don't know how it works in Super Targets

In Super Targets there is still a CTL who is in charge of dry grocery, paper, chem (or whatever is right next to it), and then there are other TLs in charge of the other areas (Produce TL, Meat TL, Deli TL etc...)

I think that it can be good to go to another store to train! At the very least, worst case scenario, even if there is absolutely NOTHING you can learn from the store you were sent to, it gives you a place to go to get all your quizzes done without getting interrupted or by having to go help your process in your store!
All training should be done at ULV as a worst case scenario. That way, they know the worst of the worst.
I would think it would be the exact opposite...if you learn how to do things at store that is REALLY slow, you might not be able to handle the pressure of a high volume one. We see this in the pharmacy with "floater pharmacists" who consistently work at LV pharmacies...they come to ours and our wait times skyrocket because they aren't able to keep up with the number of scripts. Alternately, we get a few that usually work at HV ones (or some that don't allow the techs to do much) that LOVE to come to ours because it's like a "mini-vacation" 😉
Yeah, they learn the basics of the operation. But if they will be leading a team in an ULV, but they get trained at a SuperTarget, they always seem to come back with ideas on how the processes should operate that are based upon different starting hours, different work loads, different cutoff times, and completely different teams. And they always have unrealistic plans and expectations. Seems kinda retarded.
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