Archived Why you dont own a area

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It’s actually good for you as you are a GM who covers in different areas when needed and you don’t own an area that means you have less responsibility, owning an area means you have to do everything there. I don’t know about other stores but at my store the GMs who get to be in different areas or just to cover the DBOs on their day offs they just pull, push and backstock while helping guests in need then they go home, they don’t do anything else and we get the same pay, as a DBO which is a GM who own an area like me I have to do everything from recovering, picking up abandon from guests, doing reshop, pulling, pushing, backstocking, auditing, zoning, setting salesplanners, price changing, doing clearance, salvaging, damaging, cleaning my backroom area pretty much every single freaking day is like that and god knows what else I have to do tomorrows it’s so unfair compared to the other GMs but it is what it is I actually enjoy what I do it’s just not a good time right now but on the other hand we the DBOs get to have 40hrs a week or more while the other GMs who don’t own any area get less hours than us and our seasonal team members get way less hours than the covered GMs.
You should be blessed that you know so many places. If they have a call in they will call you and give you the hours!!!!
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