Archived Will It Fit In My Car?

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May 31, 2012
Had a lady frantically calling me over to seasonal today. When I got there she had 2 patio sling chairs by her cart and she asked me "will these 2 chairs fit in my car?" At 1st I thought maybe she thought she knew me and I knew what type of car she drove. So after presenting her with a puzzled look she once again asked the same question. So I responded " well I'm not sure what type of car you have mam. She then said "a Hyundai". No model, just the make. So she decided that she didn't have the patience to answer my questions and asked me to pu them in her cart and she would take care of the situation. About 15 minutes later I noticed the same 2 chairs at Guest Services with a "reshop" sign on them. I asked the GSTL what happened and she told me some lady could not fit them in her car after he bought them so she returned them.
I would say that more than 50% of the guests that purchase patio furniture do not have a big enough vehicle to transport home from the store. Actually did a carry out today with a guest and when we got to his small car he said "oh crap, I thought I drove my other car here today".
I had a space-challenged idiot try to put a gazebo box in a Jeep Cherokee.
When the CAs got out there with it on a flat, he looooooked & tilted his head trying to gauge how much it would hang off (more than half). Then turns around & says "You got any twine?"

Patio chairs in general will not fit into most compacts unless it has a hatchback.... Speaking from experience as a Cart Attendant last spring lol
Logistics Peon. THANK YOU!!!!! I can't tell you how many times I have had to restock a piece of patio furniture of any piece of furniture that is bigger than your average chair or table, because geometrically challenged (or apparently don't know the law of physics) guests think that a fouton will fit in their geo metro or toyota corolla, ummm... NO!!!! It is really a waste of time for us in the backroom to have to rehaul furniture like that up back up in the steel.
Logistics Peon. THANK YOU!!!!! I can't tell you how many times I have had to restock a piece of patio furniture of any piece of furniture that is bigger than your average chair or table, because geometrically challenged (or apparently don't know the law of physics) guests think that a fouton will fit in their geo metro or toyota corolla, ummm... NO!!!! It is really a waste of time for us in the backroom to have to rehaul furniture like that up back up in the steel.

Yea, I kinda feel bad for the people who work at Target, I once hauled a very big grill that some guest returned bcus it didnt fit, but the backroom were too lazy to put it back, so I asked the sales floor tl what to do with it, I just left it on the flat and put it on the floor with a clearance price on it 😛
I had a guest buy a big patio set item and only had a Mazda Miata. We told him there is no way that the item can be loaded. He asked if we could strap it down. I told him that HE COULD DO WHATEVER HE WANTED but the store couldn't do that. He bought some ratchet belts and belted it down to his trunk top.
I once had a guest who wanted me to put one of those 150 lb entertainment unit over the back of the baby seat with the baby in it and she threw a tantrum when I refused even though I explained why,she brought the item back into the store for a refund,made a complaint to the L.O.D. about me,and stormed out.She returned a few hours later and apologised.
I once had a guest who wanted me to put one of those 150 lb entertainment unit over the back of the baby seat with the baby in it and she threw a tantrum when I refused even though I explained why,she brought the item back into the store for a refund,made a complaint to the L.O.D. about me,and stormed out.She returned a few hours later and apologised.

Yikes!! Good for you!
If the guest is questioning whether any item is going to fit in their car, chances are good it won't. When I'm on the floor and get this comment I usually let them know that if they aren't sure they should wait till they can get a truck or large van. I also tell the guest we can't hold paid merchandise, something they can never understand. I also wish people would read the boxes and see that the 47" flat-screen TV they want needs to be transported upright and should never be placed face down. Try to get one of them in a smart car!
I also wish people would read the boxes and see that the 47" flat-screen TV they want needs to be transported upright and should never be placed face down. Try to get one of them in a smart car!
Not so smart...
ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS ask how big the car is BEFORE you call the backroom for it. ALWAYS. Or else.

Oh, I ask everybody. The problem is guests always think their car is bigger/the item is smaller or they just want to try first. Sorry backroom, but I'm not risking a $300 sale by telling a guest 'no' right from the beginning. Even if I know I'm right, outright refusing them never gets you far.
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