Archived Work With Diarrhea?

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Finally A Guest Again
Nov 11, 2015
Anyone ever eat something that didn't sit right with you for the 2nd half of your shift? I ate a sandwich from the food ave. and I almost became Cpt. Poopypants while doing the MyFA. Luckily I wasn't too far from the restroom and sped walked for dear life to the mens restroom. I couldn't even make it into the team member restrooms, I just barged ibto the guest restroom and let the Kraken loose. I was pretty much in there for like a good 30 minutes if you put all my visits together. My ETL thought it was pretty hilarious and told me I could go home about an hour early.

Anyway, I know its funny but it is a serious situation to be in lol. Anyone else unlucky enough to get hit with the poop waterfalls while on the clock?
Bring baby powder/flour/cornstarch to 'starch the hoop', if leaving isn't an option and that clean/dry feeling is something you'll want for the remainder of your day.
Had the stomach flu and was still a seasonal team member so I didn't wanna call out so I kept randomly disappearing and finally told my LOD wut was going on when i couldn't take it anymore LMAO
I would probably go in to work, but let your LOD know that you have "bathroom troubles" and that you might just disappear into thin air every once in a while. I'd also mention that if it gets too bad/you start feeling worse, then you might need to leave early. I think that a majority of ETLs would be okay with sending you home since you still made the effort to show up and get work done instead of calling out.
Yes yes I have. I too almost didn't make it, but if you think that's bad...when I was about 7 I got insanely sick and it was coming out of both ends. I actually diarrhea shat myself in my bed and vomited at the same time. My poor mother had to clean it up. She's a saint. It was awful. My family still talks about it.
I had diarrhea and was vomiting in a empty box and the LOD wouldn't let me leave and I even showed her the box and dared her to go in the bathroom.
I've gotten sick at work (or gone in sick) and they always send anyone home when there's vomiting involved.
Depends on the poopies - if it's severe some will send you home. Some will try to ignore you. I think it's up to the TM to make sure they are healthy and fit for duty.
I'm lucky that I work the front, I'm close to bathrooms and can usually get someone to cover me for a few minutes.
Not diarrhea, but I felt extremely sick one day when I was newer and working on the sales floor. (It turnt out to have been food poisoning.) Other TMs had scared me into thinking that you absolutely couldn't call out in your first 90 days at all, ever, and this was my 90th day, so I told myself "Just deal with tonight and then you're good!" I didn't end up going home that night, but at one point I was sat on the floor just by the clearance tables in girl's. I was extremely nauseous and needed to sit down, and figured I could fold the clothes at the bottom over again and reorganise them a little better. The APS walked by quickly, and was just like "Oh sorry. Hey, did you call them out? Can you let us know if you see them again? We lost track of them." I didn't know who our APS was and since he was wearing plain-clothes, I just assumed he was a guest, so I said "Oh, sorry. I'm just--Yeah.. No, I've never called out." and then got up and walked away. I realised a little bit after who he was. But at the time, I was like "Why is this guest asking me all this?" LOL, I didn't know what he meant by "Calling out" either and I assumed he meant attendance. We were talking about two different things.
I posted this in another thread but yes, I pulled a Jackson Pollack in the bathroom after eating chicken from the deli. I'm talking explosive diarrhea....twice. never eating food from the deli again
Probably not. Just a sensitive stomach that didn't agree with all that cheese at once.
My point was that it was probably the FATM that gave you food poisoning through improper food handling or procedures.
Hell naw my ass itched for a week once the hair started to grow back I'll take average wiping efficiency any day

Nah, just use a brand new blade! Cleanest cut possible. Just be careful! lol!
This thread had been

I've had an upset stomach a couple times. Usually take an immodium and a couple bathroom breaks before open when nobody will bother much.
Fyi. it takes 24-72 hours to digest food. So unless you ate whatever at Target in the last 24-72 hours. It could be anything you ate outside of Target.

Diarrhea Immediately After Eating |
Diarrhea after eating is a symptom of several disorders affecting the bowel. There is a misconception that the stool is actually the food that was consumed in the last meal but this is not possible. It takes food that is eaten between 24 to 72 hours. Even in cases of diarrhea, the movement is much more rapid but not instantaneous in humans. Diarrhea immediately after eating is actually a consequence of bowel irritation and prematurely triggered defecation reflexes. It can occur anywhere within seconds after completing a meal to minutes thereafter. Sometimes a person has an intense urge to pass stool while eating.
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