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  1. paidtosmile

    Archived Sr Team Lead or aka TL Key

    What on gods earth.... I thought I'd come see how things are going with Target now that i've been out for a couple of years and, well, yikes!
  2. paidtosmile

    Archived Are GSAs held up to the same expectations as GSTLs at your store?

    In my experience (3 years as a GSA and 1.5 as a GSTL) I would say that a lot of the job duties and expectations are the same, but GSTL's are expected to work at a much higher thought level. There's also a lot more pressure involved with being a GSTL. as a GSA, you're mainly just responsible for...
  3. paidtosmile

    Archived Team Lead Pay

    The average for our store was around $5 over the base pay.
  4. paidtosmile

    Archived GSTL's and GSA's breaking during busy lunch period.

    Because we have a full page (or several pages in my case) of front end TM's on a daily break schedule, and ours are scheduled into a time frame's just like everybody else.
  5. paidtosmile

    Archived New in Position GSTL - Advice?

    Do you know about our Target REDcard? No? Have you thought about signing up for the credit or debit and saving 5%? No? Are you sure? The debit option links right to your checking account so it's just like writing a check! No? You could consider the credit card, too! You still get the 5% off...
  6. paidtosmile

    Archived Who factors in your review?

    For us, we have a TL meeting where the team leads and a few ETL's go down the list of team members A-Z and give them an overall score (5, 4, 3, 2, 1... or O, EX, E, IE, U) which then gets submitted by the ETL's. Then they take it from there and bump TM's down when we're inevitably over our...
  7. paidtosmile

    Archived How much of your perspective changed when you got promoted?

    My perspective didn't change all that much when I became a team lead... The only real difference that I've noticed is how much more jaded and exhausted I am all the time. I hear team member complaints all the time about "how big pulls are" or "how messy RTW is" and (although I never share this...
  8. paidtosmile

    Archived Firing over not selling enough red cards?

    I consistently observe people who aren't meeting expectations. I will take 20-30 minutes to observe them ringing, sometimes I'm more subtle than others. In that time, I'll count the number of guests they helped versus the number of times they've mentioned the REDcard. Say in 20 minutes, you had...
  9. paidtosmile

    Archived Cashier Shift

    The person who added you into the schedule probably just typed in your shift quickly, and didn't assign a work center. When they don't assign a work center, myTime defaults to having you within your home work center. So the person who added you into the schedule probably forgot to schedule you...
  10. paidtosmile

    Archived What is the 90 day review?

    We're still stuck with doing them, unfortunately. It's a quick meeting with your TL towards the end of your 90 day probationary/learning period where we'll go over what you're doing well, what we think you need to focus on, and then we'll give you the opportunity to ask us any questions you may...
  11. paidtosmile

    Archived GSA vs. PA

    Yes. Soliciting and promoting the REDcard is a core role for everyone who processes guest transactions. Every store is different.. But we hold GSA's accountable for driving REDcards and conversion when they're running the lanes. I'm responsible for driving it no matter where I'm working or what...
  12. paidtosmile

    Archived GSA vs. PA

    ...end team, so to speak. PA obviously comes with a lot of pressures to, but I'm not as familiar with it. I know ours spends the majority of his day f**king around and doing things he shouldn't be doing (-_-). On the subject of paygrades.... GSA is N07, PA is N09. So PA, according to the...
  13. paidtosmile

    Archived Target's Website Crashes on Cyber Monday.

    They do! I'm not totally sure how the breakout works, but there is one! haha
  14. paidtosmile

    Archived Target's Website Crashes on Cyber Monday.

    We have 3 hardlines + electronics; it's kind of nice but I never have any idea who to go to for certain sales floor things because of it lol
  15. paidtosmile

    Archived The Fine Line Between GSA and GSTL

    The way I see it: GSA- Extreme team trainer, with all of the front end team members being the trainee's. GSTL- Team Leader. Coachings, long term performance tracking, reviews, CCA, final's, interviews, other administrative duties, etc.
  16. paidtosmile

    Archived Losing patience...

    I usually take my breaks in solitude, and I'll keep my phone put away until I've had time to relax and calm down. I'll go sit in the TL office area, conference room, whatever's open and empty. Obviously I move to the break room if it's needed, but the last thing I want to hear on my breaks are...
  17. paidtosmile

    Archived Target's Website Crashes on Cyber Monday.

    EXACTLY. We go balls out in the stores every year with payroll and staffing to ensure we're prepared for black Friday... Online should be the same way; especially now that brick-and-mortar stores are losing a lot of ground to online shopping.
  18. paidtosmile

    Archived Compliance

    The way I explain it to my team: Breaks are an OSHA requirement. Do do not feel bad for putting any tasks or projects behind, you need to comply with (insert state) labor laws.
  19. paidtosmile

    Archived GSA/GSTL's: What are you doing to prepare for tomorrow?

    We always give our cashiers a little speech right before open, which is when we go over the "no price match" and whatnot. Otherwise this is what a typical pre black friday night looks like for us: -Overstock EVERYTHING. Pull a good team member and give them a list of everything to stock. Check...