Search results for query: *

  1. IHaveNoIdea

    Taking a medical leave of absence?

    I've taken a personal loa once before last year because of the raging pandemic, but I really need to take a medical leave now. I've been having significant problems with my legs, especially my knees which sometimes feel like they crunch like Rice Krispies. It used to be just doing heavy...
  2. IHaveNoIdea

    ADA form filled out by doctor required because I can't pull milk pallets?

    It's something that I kept quiet about to my tls for sometime now, but secretly dreading. With seasonal tms being let go, dry market tms are being asked to help with dairy and freezer, pfresh more. It's not unexpected, but I've had problems in the past with pfresh, particularly with regards to...
  3. IHaveNoIdea

    Pretty sure I have a permanent injury due to pushing milk pallets...

    So the last few days of work I had to leave early because I've had pain in my knees. It didn't used to be that bad and tried to just ignore it. Several months ago I pulled a milk pallet, and that time I felt an enormous strain on my legs. Why it has to be stacked six crates high and with...
  4. IHaveNoIdea

    When is a good time to try to transfer to a different work center?

    I've been in the Market and Pfresh work center since I started the job (last November), and for months feel like it was a major mistake and should have went for a different position. I really feel I need a change, but other work centers seem to want team members that work early mornings, like 6...
  5. IHaveNoIdea

    I'm Lost! LOA ended yesterday. Can't log into kronos or view schedule.

    Mornin folks. As this was the first time taking a leave of absence I don't know what to expect. I took a few weeks off, but the loa ended yesterday. I still can't log in to kronos or see my schedule. Would that mean I'm not currently scheduled for anything and have to wait until Thursday...
  6. IHaveNoIdea

    Absolutely NO ONE answering phones for 1 and a half hours

    Trying to call out today, dealing with family issues amid the covid-19 anxiety already putting a ton of stress on us. Nobody in any department has answered the phones. I'm assuming they have everyone there working on fulfillment for the mass amount of people that took LOA and are short...
  7. IHaveNoIdea

    I'm Lost! Where in the h*ll are my team leaders?

    I just wanted to know if this is just a thing at my store or if it is rampant across the company. I work in the market department (frozen, dairy, dry food, etc.), and hours can go by without seeing or hearing from supervisors. In the weeks I've been working here, I can count on one hand the...
  8. IHaveNoIdea

    Why good morning!

    Hello. I've just been starting a job at Target in the Food and Beverage Market area. It's a seasonal position, so I'm not sure how long I'll be here. After the orientation and some computer training, it seems like most of what the actual job responsibilities haven't been explained. I've met...