2022….what new and interesting ways will target come up with this year to support DC teams?

Mar 5, 2021
Will they finally make adjustments to wages so that all teams feel supported? Or will they continue to cite attrition, giving even more to WW and WA, while leaving merit teams even more disgruntled and feeling left out, because so far they have gotten nothing? Will they continue to offer huge sign on bonuses to new hires, that are 10x what a 25 year award is for that long term, dependable, and loyal TM? So far, all the investment in their teams appear to be slanted towards newer hires, to get to the point of overstaffing In almost all buildings. My crystal ball tells me 2022 will be the year of reduced hours, making all those huge raises for WW and WA a moot point, because DCs will become a building full of part time workers. And before you tell me I’m wrong, read the truth behind the first three sentences. The only ones to really benefit in 2021 were those hired since 2019.
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Will they finally make adjustments to wages so that all teams feel supported? Or will they continue to cite attrition, giving even more to WW and WA, while leaving merit teams even more disgruntled and feeling left out, because so far they have gotten nothing? Will they continue to offer huge sign on bonuses to new hires, that are 10x what a 25 year award is for that long term, dependable, and loyal TM? So far, all the investment in their teams appear to be slanted towards newer hires, to get to the point of overstaffing In almost all buildings. My crystal ball tells me 2022 will be the year of reduced hours, making all those huge raises for WW and WA a moot point, because DCs will become a building full of part time workers. And before you tell me I’m wrong, read the truth behind the first three sentences. The on,y ones to really benefit in 2021 were those hired since 2019.
Speaking to your merit position wage point-this is why I never took a merit role. You know the possibilities when taking that role.
Dc’s are production facilities… those whose “produce” should make more. What merit roles deserve a raise? Not trying to be negative but people want merit roles so they are not putting their bodies and health at risk. my dc is back to part time job for most in warehousing, meaning people care less. $2k bonuses sounded like a great idea in a meeting months ago and now that person needs to be fired. we had 14 call offs yesterday in my department and still the work was complete halfway through the shift.
DCs are expense centers, not production facilities, they don’t make anything. Their purpose is to save more than they cost to operate, they don’t make anything and will never be profitable.
Most warehouse workers made more than they deserved before the big pay bumps. Almost none of them have a clue how to figure out anything on their own so any issue they have, guess who they call? Yeah, the merit TMs who after 10yrs+ of moving boxes and showing the initiative to actually learn things went to a merit position where they thought they’d be more valued, only they get slapped in the face instead.
Should IM have to take a pay cut when they’re in that role? Problem area? Closers?
The thought that because a merit TM doesn’t throw boxes around they deserve less is ridiculous.
DCs are expense centers, not production facilities, they don’t make anything. Their purpose is to save more than they cost to operate, they don’t make anything and will never be profitable.
Most warehouse workers made more than they deserved before the big pay bumps. Almost none of them have a clue how to figure out anything on their own so any issue they have, guess who they call? Yeah, the merit TMs who after 10yrs+ of moving boxes and showing the initiative to actually learn things went to a merit position where they thought they’d be more valued, only they get slapped in the face instead.
Should IM have to take a pay cut when they’re in that role? Problem area? Closers?
The thought that because a merit TM doesn’t throw boxes around they deserve less is ridiculous.
expense centers? We don’t make anything but produce for stores. does your DC have a “production coordinator” or ever hear about “productivity”? I know we don’t make anything. I was simply asking what merit positions should make more. Security? Icqa? Problem solver? clerical? or other roles in the regional office? I’m in warehousing and feel like I should be paid more because I’m one of the top producing workers on either of the night shifts. if you want more and deserve more as a merit worker, you at least have the opportunity to explain every year why you should get a raise. And you get bonuses, so no sympathy from this guy on merit roles. i agree they are paying way to much for 75 percent of warehouse workers but some of us deserve it And we don’t get the opportunity to tell anyone how much we deserve a raise
DCs are expense centers, not production facilities, they don’t make anything. Their purpose is to save more than they cost to operate, they don’t make anything and will never be profitable.
Most warehouse workers made more than they deserved before the big pay bumps. Almost none of them have a clue how to figure out anything on their own so any issue they have, guess who they call? Yeah, the merit TMs who after 10yrs+ of moving boxes and showing the initiative to actually learn things went to a merit position where they thought they’d be more valued, only they get slapped in the face instead.
Should IM have to take a pay cut when they’re in that role? Problem area? Closers?
The thought that because a merit TM doesn’t throw boxes around they deserve less is ridiculous.
Our icqa was told just because you have an elevated role, doesn’t mean you make more 🤣
expense centers? We don’t make anything but produce for stores. does your DC have a “production coordinator” or ever hear about “productivity”? I know we don’t make anything. I was simply asking what merit positions should make more. Security? Icqa? Problem solver? clerical? or other roles in the regional office? I’m in warehousing and feel like I should be paid more because I’m one of the top producing workers on either of the night shifts. if you want more and deserve more as a merit worker, you at least have the opportunity to explain every year why you should get a raise. And you get bonuses, so no sympathy from this guy on merit roles. i agree they are paying way to much for 75 percent of warehouse workers but some of us deserve it And we don’t get the opportunity to tell anyone how much we deserve a raise
Yes all warehouses are considered "expense centers" because we don't make any product nor do we sell. We move product around from point a to point b. Our only goal is to play middle man for the stores and for the vendors that actually make the items Target sells. What you're talking about is what companies like Kroger and Albertsons has where you have a base pay but if you "produce" over 100% of expectations you get an extra bump in pay. Not all warehouses are like that but to play the devil's advocate who is telling you to go above and beyond? Or to produce more than anyone else? You do 100% of your CPH you get 100% of your check. Now say they go that route where you gain say an extra .25¢/hr for every 5% you go over BUT they take .25¢/hr for every 5% you're down. That would seem fair right? In the end warehouses cost companies money because we aren't selling anything and they could have the vendor just ship directly to store but that isn't efficient.
Our icqa was told just because you have an elevated role, doesn’t mean you make more 🤣

They told our merit that you aren't working 60 hour work weeks like everyone else so that's why you don't get the raises.

Then they started giving merit mandatory OT but still no raise.
Or, following the Target rule of thought, let’s just create another 2-3 merit roles per key to tackle sorter rework. Why not? It’s only money, and recent history shows that creating new roles always solves these problems. WTF does ICQA and IB Problem Area folks do anyway? They should have already fixed this issue.

Yes all warehouses are considered "expense centers" because we don't make any product nor do we sell. We move product around from point a to point b. Our only goal is to play middle man for the stores and for the vendors that actually make the items Target sells. What you're talking about is what companies like Kroger and Albertsons has where you have a base pay but if you "produce" over 100% of expectations you get an extra bump in pay. Not all warehouses are like that but to play the devil's advocate who is telling you to go above and beyond? Or to produce more than anyone else? You do 100% of your CPH you get 100% of your check. Now say they go that route where you gain say an extra .25¢/hr for every 5% you go over BUT they take .25¢/hr for every 5% you're down. That would seem fair right? In the end warehouses cost companies money because we aren't selling anything and they could have the vendor just ship directly to store but that isn't efficient.
#’s lie or can be manipulated if you know what I mean 🤨 So why do you feel pay based on performance is necessary? What if a TM is fast but not makes many mistakes. What’s the point of that? Just curious here…. Trying to learn

#’s lie or can be manipulated if you know what I mean 🤨 So why do you feel pay based on performance is necessary? What if a TM is fast but not makes many mistakes. What’s the point of that? Just curious here…. Trying to learn
I'm not saying it's necessary I'm saying there other companies that do that. Why do over 100% when you know they aren't going to pay more than100% of your hourly pay? I had an OM tell me to do 100% because that's what they pay you for. They don't pay you to do 110% or 130%. They pay you at 100% of your hourly pay to get 100% of production from you. Some companies compensate workers for going over 100% like the companies I listed (which I worked for one). If a team member is fast and doesn't make any mistakes than that's good on the team member and the OM should look into developing that team member into one day being a lead. Target doesn't do percentage rate compensation. You talked about you should be paid more because you are one of the top performers in WHS which is what percentage rate compensation is. If you worked at the other companies and did above everyone else you would get paid more but you do it at a company KNOWING there is not compensation for going above the 100%. Don't over work yourself if you know there isn't something you can gain from. Whether it's money or a promotion.
I'm not saying it's necessary I'm saying there other companies that do that. Why do over 100% when you know they aren't going to pay more than100% of your hourly pay? I had an OM tell me to do 100% because that's what they pay you for. They don't pay you to do 110% or 130%. They pay you at 100% of your hourly pay to get 100% of production from you. Some companies compensate workers for going over 100% like the companies I listed (which I worked for one). If a team member is fast and doesn't make any mistakes than that's good on the team member and the OM should look into developing that team member into one day being a lead. Target doesn't do percentage rate compensation. You talked about you should be paid more because you are one of the top performers in WHS which is what percentage rate compensation is. If you worked at the other companies and did above everyone else you would get paid more but you do it at a company KNOWING there is not compensation for going above the 100%. Don't over work yourself if you know there isn't something you can gain from. Whether it's money or a promotion.
That creates an unsafe work environment. Some people do their best and want to be a top performer because of the pride they have in their work. You can certainly see how that has declined since the mass hiring they have done the last year+.
That creates an unsafe work environment. Some people do their best and want to be a top performer because of the pride they have in their work. You can certainly see how that has declined since the mass hiring they have done the last year+.
Oh yea the driving in the warehouse I worked was def sketchy. I got trained on a PED outside in the trailer yard. It wasn't a safe environment whatsoever but what they are asking to do, pay them more for better performance, if exactly what those companies do.
Dc’s are production facilities… those whose “produce” should make more. What merit roles deserve a raise? Not trying to be negative but people want merit roles so they are not putting their bodies and health at risk. my dc is back to part time job for most in warehousing, meaning people care less. $2k bonuses sounded like a great idea in a meeting months ago and now that person needs to be fired. we had 14 call offs yesterday in my department and still the work was complete halfway through the shift.
Merit roles are trusted roles. That’s the difference. Still trying to get permission to be able convert CON to NCON so my team can increase productivity while decreasing pay roll. 😂 Someone in receiving/packing teach me plz. I don’t want bother ICQA because I know they working on real-time issues.
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Merit roles are trusted roles. That’s the difference. Still trying to get permission to be able convert CON to NCON so my key can increase its productivity while decreasing pay roll. 😂 Someone in receiving/packing teach me plz. I don’t want bother ICQA because I know they working on real-time issues.
You will get a CA or a term. A) That's cherrypicking. B) Converting DPCI's converts it for the entire network.

Also converting it to noncon loses money. Noncon is more cost to sort per carton than conveyable. So you're basically improving prod on paper, but really lighting money on fire.

Also a lot of DPCI'S are locked by HQ so you can't change them anyway.
Merit roles are trusted roles. That’s the difference. Still trying to get permission to be able convert CON to NCON so my key can increase its productivity while decreasing pay roll. 😂 Someone in receiving/packing teach me plz. I don’t want bother ICQA because I know they working on real-time issues.
You want less NC and more conveyable. The only reason you should be changing things over is because it doesn't meet the requirements to be conveyable or cause constant issues on the mezz that stop production every time they are thrown up there
I would love to get my hands on a copy of the TM survey this year, unless they are too chicken shit to give us the opportunity to voice how we feel the last 2-3 yrs have gone. Yes, they usually have team meetings to share, telling us the only the parts they want us to hear. Wages and staffing has been a huge hot point, at least in my DC. And many of the old timers are tired of the bs.
I would love to get my hands on a copy of the TM survey this year, unless they are too chicken shit to give us the opportunity to voice how we feel the last 2-3 yrs have gone. Yes, they usually have team meetings to share, telling us the only the parts they want us to hear. Wages and staffing has been a huge hot point, at least in my DC. And many of the old timers are tired of the bs.
Team survey results might might had been addressed at dbo level but not at team member level in years. I asked HR about it get a all is good kinda of response. Until Target provide the results back to us it more useless than it was a decade ago.