Archived A little bit confused.

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Oct 15, 2015
So, I've been hardlines since day 1. I like to think I'm a good TM. I go out of my way to do extra work and frequently, if not daily, am pulled out of my work to help other teams. I'm trained almost everywhere in the store. Out of absolutely nowhere I was changed to Electronics TM. I don't know what to think of it? We have like 5 people in electronics and almost no hardlines. Why the switch? Should I be okay with it??
It could just be some cross-training. They did that to me when I first started. I looked and saw I had a Hardlines shift and was so confused because I hadn't even been trained for Hardlines yet at the time, but they put me on the schedule as that workcentre so they could complete my Learning Plan for after the holidays. The only time I get shifts outside of Softlines any more is if I pick them up, or if there's a call-out and they want to call me in.
That what I thought at first but I'm actually like, official paperwork signed, training done, doesn't say hardlines anywhere in my info MOVED. TL said I won't be getting hl shifts anymore.
Sounds like they want a global salesfloor, which is pretty good planning.
Electronics/Entertainment is one of the more specialized areas but once trained you'd be good to go around most of salesfloor, especially when hrs get cut.
Isn't an electronic team member a higher pay grade then a normal hl team member?

It is. I'm definitely not complaining about that or the better hours. Just confused as to why the change happened out of nowhere.
Isn't an electronic team member a higher pay grade then a normal hl team member?
It is intended to be, yes!

I would take the move as a compliment, @hrdlnz. Although ASANTS, at mine we only would consider someone for placement in Electronics if they are doing well in HL already, as our Electronics TMs are all generally full time and have much more responsibility than most other TMs in-store.
Did you ask your TL why?

Yeah, they just kinda were like "just 'cause" which is why I'm so confused! Especially because other teams have expressed interest in me earlier. I was actually in the process of being trained in logistics and receiving. :/
Your tl didn't want to lose you to the backroom.

That could definitely be true haha. Every time I mentioned enjoying backroom my TL and ETL would jokingly fight with the logistics TL over me.
Your harder to steal as an electronics tm.

Your comment seriously put a big light bulb above my head. This all makes so much sense now. It explains a lot of weird things that have been happening lately. If this is what's happening, which it most likely is now that I've pieced together all of this, I'm a little annoyed that no one ever thought to ask me what I wanted. But, oh well. Pay raise. Better hours. Won't complain.
I was actually in the process of being trained in logistics and receiving. :/

From my perspective, highly biased,nooooo :) ;) , [/i] LOGISTICS is the spot! :) :p

When I started I though that ELEC would be a better fit... nope, NOOOOO!!!

Dragging DVD's to CL, and the value endcap, even worse dragging batteries to 90 places through out the store. NOO THANKS!

Dealing with TOYS and Season/Mini Seasonal, and in our store potentially INFTS too.. Oh.. hell no!

Plus dealing with all that gamer nonsense (not into it in the least even in passing ... the whole thread about stupid nuka cola is just an example of my intolerance of it... just not into :p )

I am very pleased to be in the LOGISTICS side of the store. I can do anything pretty much in the store which is why I ended up where I am at, but LOGISTICS RULES!

If you like it enjoy, BUT make sure you get your PAY GRADE UPGRADE.. I don't know how much it is, mostly a pittance, but it is AN UPGRADE over HL/SL SF..

Your harder to steal as an electronics tm.

Maybe for you! :p We want them on logistics they are OURS! BAWAWAHHHAAAAAAA! :) :) :p It really rarely works that way... as normally SF is trying to steal MY PEOPLE, especially the good workers... Thankfully my rock stars don't want anything to do with SF. Some will fill in during low hour periods and as they want.. but to transition there permanently.. nope!
You have to be really good at sales floor before most stores will even consider putting you in electronics. It shows you pay attention to detail, take initiative fixing issues you find, etc. Take it as a compliment to your work ethic. The training will come eventually, if your store is anything like mine. Same thing happened to me shortly after my store opened to the public. Just don't let on that you can fold clothes properly, or softlines will steal you! (Learned that one the hard way.)
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