Archived Alternative ways to get pay increases?

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Jun 21, 2011
I'm a Presentation Team Lead in an ULV store. I make under $12/hr. This is not adequate for me, especially given the planning and responsibility that the position requires.

Does anyone know if there's a way to get wage reviews/pay increases other than the yearly merit increases, promotions, or getting another job offer and using that as leverage?
Get on your knees.

And pray for one.

But seriously, the only raises I've witnessed have been for annual reviews, promotions, or wage surveys.
Wish I knew of some other way but I'm pretty sure there isn't one.
How do the wage surveys work? Is it an annual thing? Do we ever actually see increases from it?
Wage surveys happen depending on the surrounding market your store is in and how other retail stores pay their employees . We have had two since the store has opened. So now cashier ,lowest paygrade , start off at $8.75 instead of $8.00. I'm not sure what causes the survey to occur though , it feels like it's yearly.
i was gonna say "find another job"... 😀

but seriously, i was in that boat. we had some tl making less than specialist, less than the new tl they were hiring in (by several dollars).
i became the hrtl, put together a presentation of wages by workcenter and position for the stl and etlhr. we sat down and i explained the effect on morale that having new tl making $5 more an hour would have on the team. we had tl than had been in position with excellent reviews making less than $10, because when they started minimum wage was so low. afterwards, the stl decided to bump them up. we have four tl get some more dough, and our cosmetics tm as well. it was nice. i miss that stl. he was always fair.
That is WAY less then they would ever put a team lead at my store. The last one we promoted from TM started at $15, then griped a month later and got $16. Your best bet is to go to your STL and ask. The worst that could happen is they say no. If you are in a store or area where most of the TL's are making around that amount, you'll be out of luck.
I'm a Presentation Team Lead in an ULV store. I make under $12/hr. This is not adequate for me, especially given the planning and responsibility that the position requires.

Does anyone know if there's a way to get wage reviews/pay increases other than the yearly merit increases, promotions, or getting another job offer and using that as leverage?

But there are some disadvantages to that avenue which can cause extreme discomfort later on.
I threatened to quit once (meant it too) and it scared them into giving me a raise but I really do not recommend going that rout especially in this economy.
I actually was getting a bit tired of my job and was talking to some of my co-workers about possibly leaving and going back to school full time. I was planning on moving away to go to a state school, I was pretty serious abou it, and a lot of the reasoning behind it was because of my pay. The news must have got around, when I was promoted to GSA, I got a much bigger raise then I expected, and I make a bit more than my co-GSA's. I took that as a sign that they valued me being there and the extra things I do for the store. Of course I could have just lucked out too. I'm in school full time online now, I am still considering moving away to finish my 4 year degree, but there is a bit more moral and reason to stay now. I'm more hoping that this position will lead me somewhere higher with my comfort in Leadership. I'd like to say that just doing hard work and going the extra mile will get you some more money, but I'd be lying. Of the three raises I have got, this is the only one where I actually felt like I got what I deserved.
I threatened to quit once (meant it too) and it scared them into giving me a raise but I really do not recommend going that rout especially in this economy.

If I were to do that at my store (Super T, unsure of volume) I would be tossed aside like a piece of trash. Sad, I do love working there and would gladly do it fulltime..
I've seen the quitting thing work before and would recommend that avenue if nothing else presents itself. That's ridiculously low pay for a TL.
I have received 3 outside-the-review wage increases. All 3 times I asked for the increase. I made a comparison list of what my job requirements were and what I was doing beyond those requirements that were being requested by my TL/ETL that no other member of my team was being asked to do. I also made a list of the things that I do that were not being requested but resulted in greater guest satisfaction, higher profit, and driving sales. My meetings were scheduled with my TL and ETL/HR. Be professional and keep the conversation based on how you make your store money and are an asset to the total team culture.
Alright this looked liked the best thread to post this question. I am a backroom dayside team member and will soon be helping out in electronics once I do a little bit of training. For those of you who know about logistics/backroom employees they hardly ever move us around to different area's ,so we have to take it upon ourselves to do that. So I am not going to say what I make now as a backroom team member but when being in electronics and trained in there, is there a pay increase that comes with that, or would not be a pay increase since backroom is typically paid more than floor team members? Would $9.50 be too much to ask (that being only like 23/24ish cents more than what I make now)?
Alright this looked liked the best thread to post this question. I am a backroom dayside team member and will soon be helping out in electronics once I do a little bit of training. For those of you who know about logistics/backroom employees they hardly ever move us around to different area's ,so we have to take it upon ourselves to do that. So I am not going to say what I make now as a backroom team member but when being in electronics and trained in there, is there a pay increase that comes with that, or would not be a pay increase since backroom is typically paid more than floor team members? Would $9.50 be too much to ask (that being only like 23/24ish cents more than what I make now)?

Good luck with that. That is more than the merit raise you'd typically receive for getting an Outstanding performance review, of which maybe 1 person out of each store gets per year.
A team lead once told me he asked the STL for a raise, and was told to get a milk crate. I thought that was pretty funny.
At my store if you wave a job offer in their face they will just hold the door open for you. I've seen many TLs with 10-20 years get job offers (with better pay) from local competition and none of them got offered any sort of raise.

If you want to earn more money you can try asking for a merit raise, just make sure that you have reasons to support your request and it doesn't sound like "I just think you should pay me more"

And @SrLogTL... starting at $15/hr at my store I don't think would ever happen.. We're a AA+ and everyone will start at their base! $11/hr doesn't seem like much for the work they do!!!
Update: I accepted another job offer. My last day will be tomorrow, working overnight. My store never offered anything to get me to stay, just said they were sorry to see me go. For what it's worth, I am the lowest paid TL in the building. There are two Sr. TLs making $20-22/hr. Another makes $17. If I didn't take this new position, I would have gotten a Sr. TL position and been making... $13/hr.

This job is kind of like my ex-girlfriend: I didn't realize how truly unhappy I was until I finally left.
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