Archived And Here We (me) Go...

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Well anyway, the training starts!
You realize the store number is one of the worst things that could be given, right? Gives your store location and everything. @commiecorvus would you be able to help out at all?
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Best of luck KartMan! Can't imagine you at Starbucks after all your selfies on here though lmao!

By the way, I hear the LA stores are super busy.
I know absolutely nothing about Target Starbucks since my store doesn't have one, but 1) I always like the chance to do something different and 2) At least you get done by 3:30 everyday. Nothing beats a free evening imo.
Guys, that's the last 4 of his TM number, not his store number...
Edit: I had a dumb. Yeah, the store number is there, just not where I was looking.
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:eek::eek: WE WERE IN THE SAME DIS.....never mind :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
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