Archived Anyone one else have a flow team that always looks disgruntled

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Are the lights on and the store open? Because I don't know about the other flow TMs out there but one of the reasons I took the job was because I didn't have to have people skills, just be good at moving boxes of stuff around. Things have changed since then with crosstraining and a later flow process but lights coming on still triggers an instinctive "dammit, not this" reaction.

That and I never get enough sleep for trucks. Ever.
Eh, I could totally understand flow looking pissed off since they come in early and they are usually being rushed out the door. My flow team honestly looks to be in good spirits most of the time. Most everyone in my store is fairly friendly and pleasant. It's that southern hospitality. But we do have a few who always act annoyed and one who is a total Eeyore.
I get along well with my flow team mostly because I understand their frustrations, and they understand mine.

Either way after some days opening market at 6am I would be surprised if I didn't look like that last Flow Team Member to leave for the day.
Hmmm, maybe I'll apply to work for flow. Sounds like my kind of place. I have a face that even my mother doesn't love. That's how the saying goes, right?
My team was rough but we had some good times overnight. Gotta make the best of it.
Flow is the workhorse of the team. I'm not saying other teams don't work but flow is constantly under pressure. All teams give them grief about eating ALL the food in the break room, Everyone blames them for eating the hours. People say they are scary, weird and smelly. Get it done get it done get it done. Nothing is ever good enough. They are blamed constantly about overstocking, not stocking multiple locations and stocking in wrong locations. Some of the blame is warranted but people doing pulls contribute too. They don't have PDAs (a constant throughout the company)but are expected to know all the locations OFF spray is located. In my experience the flow team is made up of people just trying to make ends meet. Their hours are cut to crap (like everyones) so yep some of them do drag their feet. They would rather be yelled at than not have any electricity. When they chow down, it is because they usually just unloaded a damn truck. If you have never done it, it IS hard work. Sometimes it is the only food some of these team members eat all day because they can't afford to buy groceries. That is pathetic. Their hours change constantly. 2am 3am 4am until whenever. At least when you close you know you are out 1 hour after close. I have seen this team stay for 3 hours after their shifts due to multiple call offs and a huge truck with ungodly amount of repacks. I just wish everyone could walk in another teams shoes for a week or two. It can really be an eye opener. I used to believe a lot of this crap too until I did my time as a flow team lead.
Our flow team always looks pissed at the world for some reason. It's a little scary
Have ever worked flow?!
It's hell most of the times. Your expected to do the work of 2 sometimes 3 TMs. I don't even have time to go to the bathroom. And when you do go the LOD or who ever gives you grief about it!
Your rushed to know end. Plus your working graveyard.
So yes...I probably do look pissed more than not. :mad:
Yeah, I'm on flow and backroom. I've mastered the disgruntled look which I usually have after throwing the truck with someone that's really shitty
Are the lights on and the store open? Because I don't know about the other flow TMs out there but one of the reasons I took the job was because I didn't have to have people skills, just be good at moving boxes of stuff around. Things have changed since then with crosstraining and a later flow process but lights coming on still triggers an instinctive "dammit, not this" reaction.

That and I never get enough sleep for trucks. Ever.

Yeah, the lights coming up and you still have stuff on the floor tended to make for grumpy faces.

The BR team was always the more cranky looking lot at my store.
Flow was mostly Hispanic and they looked serious about getting the work done but not grumpy.

My daughter insists she got her resting bitch face from me but in my case it's a 'fuck off and die' face.
I have worked really hard to smile so as to not scare small children and animals.
The head of back room at our store is so mean that it is exciting to see him! I wish I had the courage to let othercpeople know how mean I am inside. He is so incredibly rude and mean that I sometimes think he is one of our more famous TBRmembers , except that person has a sense of humor
I had a panic attack and tried to walk home along the hwy. The LOD didnt want me to leave the store in that condition, so they had this mean man stand outside the office to stop or restrain me. As big as he is, I am extremely difficult to control physically so it would have been fun. My husband showed up and our LODs are extremely nice and patient , so it worked out without the henchman.
I would love it if he yelled at me, but re
Done, done, and on to the next one. Done, done...
(Case freight, entendres real or perceived wait till after class)
Our flow TMs got pizza again last night. Of course our store is an overnight team and they bribe them all the time with drinks and food.

They start bowling out the truck at 10 pm. While the store is still open till 11 pm and pizza arrived at 11 pm when I closing PA was going home. It sure smelled good. Oh and they always requisition drinks up to 2.00 for every TMs. That's the life.
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I wouldn't know I never see the flow team to be honest.
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