Archived Brand TM help

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Jan 7, 2015
Hey all. I'm a long time reader, first time poster. I've been a brand TM for about two years now, and it seems like it's a struggle to get any hours for me to actually do my brand work. During the holidays I was never over in my particular area, (this happened the year prior, as well) they always had me working my shifts in electronics for extra help over there, or pushing tubs or just doing regular salesfloor work such as reshop or zone.

Before thanksgiving there were several electronics tms that were fired or quit. Often they put me over there to fill the empty shifts because I was one of the few who knew what I was doing over there (I was not trained, however). At that point, I got sick and tired of them using me for electronics and not having the decency to train me-- so long story short, I got trained.

That's when I noticed that they were scheduling me for my brand shifts but when I arrived to work they told me to go straight to electronics and forget about brand stuff. I was told "we're going to keep you over in electronics until the holidays are over because that's where the business is."
So NOW, a month after Christmas and my shifts are strictly electronics. My ETL told me when I was trained I would have two days electronics and three brand, but that hasn't even happened. I haven't had a true brand shift since before thanksgiving. They have let me go over there for an hour and zone it up real quick but never enough to do what actually needs to be done over there.

I spoke to my ETL about this and he acted surprised when I told him that I'm not getting scheduled for shifts for my brand stuff, just for electronics. He promises over and over that he'll take a look at it and speak to ETL HR but I haven't seen any results. My question is what should I do? I feel like they're trying to replace my brand position and move me to electronics exclusively, which is NOT okay with me. I was promised something and I want them to hold up their end of the deal. It's frustrating that I can't do things that need to be done in an area that I'm supposed to have "ownership of" and instead am being used for other things.
Are you an Entertainment Brand TM? At my store, the position was effectively eliminated and the workload is split between the electronics team and plano.
No, cosmetics. As far as I know we still have an Entertainment Brand TM along with shoes and jewelry I believe.
I would keep on working in electronics. Spot may have other plans for you. Did you do well in electronics? Get red cards & attachments? Did you do great guest service? They may want to make you global.
I'd rather have you doing cosmetics but atm there are no hours in any store. So take the hours where you can get them and talk to your CTL or whatever TL is in charge of cosm. They are far more likely to fight the ETLs for their Brand TM.
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