Archived Can you apply directly to the cash office position?

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Jan 22, 2017
I've been poking around a bit online and it seems like a lot of TM's are saying they got trained for it once they already worked in the store, but I'm wondering if an outside applicant can apply for cash office directly, because I'm not seeming to find any cash office positions on the Target careers website.

I worked at Target for 4.5 years and left early this year; I just graduated college and have a couple months long gap before starting a new job and I'd like to make some extra cash...I just REALLY don't want to go back to working out in the store. I'm also planning to apply to a different store than the one I was at, for a variety of reasons.
No, there is no official cash office specialist position. Depending on the stores volume the shifts are 1 1/2 hours to 3 hours long. Target is not going to hire someone for just cash office, there isn't an official job code for Cash office either. It's usually service desk TM or GSAs/GSTLs doing the C/O shifts.
At my store the only people that did it was the HRTM, a softlines TL, both use to be GSTL And one SrGSTL now a regular SD TM so it use to be its own speciality but it's not part of front ends so they got rid of it
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It makes sense. Why would you external hire a cash office person? Some brand new person who only wants to touch the stores money. Lol

Most stores use an internal tm who is reliable (It's the worst position for a call out) and trustworthy. You can't find those things out about an external hire

Depends on the store. At our low volume it's all cashier's except our gstl doing it twice a week. We don't have the gsa coverage for them to do it.
We have the opening GSA or GSTL do it most of the time at my A volume.
Does CO TMs just basically organize all the money from the closing 239?
Cash office counts & organizes all the money they count from yesterday's sales before submitting the count results to CSA (Central Store Audit).
Then they bundle it for the NEXT day divided into cash advance funds, start funds (for registers), SCO registers & guest service registers. The closing GSTL/GSA rebanks the registers using those prepared funds.
They also check the safe & order enough money to fulfill those advances in the coming days while keeping an accurate count of everything added/subtracted from the safe.
As far as I know, I think cash office has to at least be out of their first 90 days. Don't quote me on that, though.
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