Archived Cashier Schedule Days Off

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Jul 18, 2018
Hi all, new team member here. Quick question about time off. Is there any possibility of taking week off? Is that an unusual request? I've never held a regular job before so im unfamiliar with scheduling practices.
How long have you been with Target? Generally they won’t let you take even unpaid time off until you’ve passed your 90 days. Also time off requests have to be done on the computer through whichever programs your store uses eHR/Kronos/Branch/etc. a minimum of two weeks out ahead of the time you’re requesting off.
Taking a week off is fine and not unusual. You won’t be able to do it for your first 90 days of employment unless you already cleared it with HR during the hiring process. And there are blackout days/weeks (typically in November and December) when nobody is allowed to take time off.
Taking a week off is solely up to your HR and ETL-HR. I would never recommend you ask to get a whole 7-day period off if you're under 90 days or been here less than half a year.

It's not unusual to ask for a week off.. I do it once or twice a year just to get a week off, but speak to your HR if you have any questions or concerns. Usually my requests get accepted pretty easily just because I've been here for more than two years and I'm in good relations with everybody and I mean everybody.
I had no problem taking a week off at around 4 months (out of town for a day job conference), but I only work 15 hours a week and leadership was happy I stuck around after seasonal, so there's that.

If you're a good TM, they should work with you, if you've been around a few months.
Though I haven't been here 90+ days, all my time-0ff requests have been approved, but all have been no more than 3 days max.

I'd talk to your HR/ETL-HR folk and you should be good. :)
Strictly speaking, if you're in your first 90 days you shouldn't be allowed to get any time off unless it's a doctor's appointment or emergency. However, like most things at Target, what should happen and what actually happens are very different. My STL doesn't care if a time off request came from a new hire. I have to give it to them as long as they submitted it on time. This means all of these new hires who suddenly want 1 week in July off + another 10 days in August, get their time off. Doesn't matter that they were specifically hired to work those days. However, when they re-apply in November or next summer, I sure as hell won't be re-hiring them.

So many people like to complain that Target is terrible, yet they'll re-apply because they need the money. So just think about how your vacation will look from a business perspective.
First 90 days are a no no. Thanksgiving to New Years are a no no. Mid January to Mid February are usually slow and everyone's hours are cut so if you want to vacation then it is a good time. Other than that request and if they approve then all is good.
I’ve gotten time off in both those times. So Asants.
Agreed. I haven't gotten time off during those times, but have coworkers who have. At our store, if you ask well in advance and they can plan around you, you're good. Or were. Not so sure now. Regardless of my store's situation, ASANTS seems to be the case.
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