Does your store expect one person to close pfresh AND take care of all of dry market?
Here is a typical closing shift for market:
- Walk in to most of the day's CAFs not pushed. They were just piled onto the autofills that FLOW couldn't handle. Instocks batches waiting around too.
- Replenish bananas
- Replenish milk (usually empty by now)
- Cull the bakery table
- Do your QMOS (and everyone else's)
- Mop coolers
- Zone pfresh
- Zone 100+ doors of coolers/freezers
- Zone 30 aisles of dry market
- Maybe zone chemicals too
- "And finish early so you can help apparel!"
Not to mention the standard backup cashiering, guest service, breaks and huddle.
Over the past 6 months the leadership at my store has slowly come to the realization that it is impossible for one person to zone all of dry market to "green (perfect) by themself. One of our softlines TLs asked me what was taking me so long to zone market. I told her that we can dedicate as much time as we want to zoning market, and it will never be enough. She said "just pull everything forward" like it could be done in half an hour.
Anyone else expected to do all of pfresh and dry market? How has that been going?
Here is a typical closing shift for market:
- Walk in to most of the day's CAFs not pushed. They were just piled onto the autofills that FLOW couldn't handle. Instocks batches waiting around too.
- Replenish bananas
- Replenish milk (usually empty by now)
- Cull the bakery table
- Do your QMOS (and everyone else's)
- Mop coolers
- Zone pfresh
- Zone 100+ doors of coolers/freezers
- Zone 30 aisles of dry market
- Maybe zone chemicals too
- "And finish early so you can help apparel!"
Not to mention the standard backup cashiering, guest service, breaks and huddle.
Over the past 6 months the leadership at my store has slowly come to the realization that it is impossible for one person to zone all of dry market to "green (perfect) by themself. One of our softlines TLs asked me what was taking me so long to zone market. I told her that we can dedicate as much time as we want to zoning market, and it will never be enough. She said "just pull everything forward" like it could be done in half an hour.
Anyone else expected to do all of pfresh and dry market? How has that been going?