Archived Decode Process

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Jan 25, 2014
How does your store handle decode? (Discontinued). I've been having my team pull the decode for an entire fill group on Sunday nights and then myself/Instocks/Other leaders work it out throughout the next few days depending on the size. Clearly this is inefficient and I'm looking to see what other stores have done to tackle it :)
We are having issues too. It's seems that mmb stuff becomes discontinued after you put it out as a new release.
We have two dedicated sections in our security area for electronics decode. One is for MMB, the other is for all other electronics. Every Sunday a backroom TM does an ELR for that area and pulls the decode report to catch any strays or new decode and moves it to that area. By having the dedicated section it simplifies the process as it allows even relatively new TMs to walk back and find similar titles then have a backroom TM pull them.

I typically schedule 2 Instocks TM's to stay an hour later on our all-store scan days to push electronics decode and fill the outs we found in that area. I'd love to keep using my Instocks team for the rest of the store, but it's just too much for them to handle without support.
Depends on the area. If its one of your trend runs, you will likely have gaping holes of not in stock merchandise. I typically PTM these right away and put out as much product that is available as I can. Some of those instock issues are not resolved for several weeks. The more you PTM, the less clearance (and B-Markdowns), you have to contend with later.
My store does jack about discontinued product, especially in electronics and entertainment. At best, our executive team might do something here and there and we get some of it out with the return scans.

Our logistics and salesfloor teams spend half of their time doing 4x4s and the other half trying to not fall further than three weeks behind on their workloads. We have not even set shoes yet...
Its a cluster 4x4 so we don't do it. It comes out as clearance. 4x4 so we fix everything overnight screws up since they are so short on people they just sort of stock from the truck. Sales floor is short so they only reship so zone is rough so we get the zone. Here go do 17isles in one section and 34 including cosmetics for the other. PTM? What PTM
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