Dunkin Donuts over Sbux

Sep 25, 2019
I'd rather see DD instead of Sbux @ the dogs. Reading the news financial reports re. the changes with the rewards structure at DD it's simply too complicated, too much bullshit. Spend $70.00 for a free drink? Also does anyone know why they dropped "donuts" from their corporate name? Mrs. Captain told me they don't use real 1/2-1/2 or light cream. Synthetic shit? The WaWa convenience/gas chain in the middle Atlantic states offers a good selection of creamers for the do-it-yourself customer. Much better. They have skim, whole, light cream, 1/2-1/2 and usually some seasonal flavored sugary shit for those who prefer it.
I'd rather see DD instead of Sbux @ the dogs. Reading the news financial reports re. the changes with the rewards structure at DD it's simply too complicated, too much bullshit. Spend $70.00 for a free drink? Also does anyone know why they dropped "donuts" from their corporate name? Mrs. Captain told me they don't use real 1/2-1/2 or light cream. Synthetic shit? The WaWa convenience/gas chain in the middle Atlantic states offers a good selection of creamers for the do-it-yourself customer. Much better. They have skim, whole, light cream, 1/2-1/2 and usually some seasonal flavored sugary shit for those who prefer it.
I dont know about any of that, I just know that Dunkins Donuts is swill. It's an insult to real coffee. Starbucks overall is much better, but like with any chain, they are only as good as the people working there. I've had good, bad, and mediocre cups of Starbucks. I gave up even trying at DD - always bad.

Since I switched to decaf I don't get coffee out anymore, just make it at home. Green Mountain Decaf Dark Magic and Barista Prima Decaf Italian Roast, very nice.
Haven't had a DD in over a year so I can't offer a current comment/review. Maybe it's changed. WaWa and McD's are my favorite "road coffees." I too bring coffee from home on short trips. I have an old Thermos black and white checker pattern stainless steel travel cup, holds about 20 oz. Cleaning tip: fill with hot water and drop in a denture cleaning tablet. Target brand Polident equivalent. Let it sit for an hour or so, pour out 1/2 and add a little Dawn dish detergent. (good for cleaning oil off birds). Grab your bottle brush and go to it! Scrub for a few minutes. Repeat. It's the only method that works to remove the dark coffee stains from s/s.
I prefer Dunkin's iced coffee, but Starbucks has better premium drinks IMO.

I've cut back on coffee a lot though. Not intentionally, I just naturally drifted away from it.
It's not off topic. No need to be too rigid. I just have a lower partial, 3 missing. Perio issues in the past. Dentist takes an impression, lab makes them. Several different methods and styles. Discuss with your dentist to determine what you need and want. Mine comes out at night, called a flipper. Had it for over 20 yrs, works for me. If you're young and can afford it go with implants. I'm old. Old but can still fly an airplane, no more heavy bench pressing though.
It's not off topic. No need to be too rigid. I just have a lower partial, 3 missing. Perio issues in the past. Dentist takes an impression, lab makes them. Several different methods and styles. Discuss with your dentist to determine what you need and want. Mine comes out at night, called a flipper. Had it for over 20 yrs, works for me. If you're young and can afford it go with implants. I'm old. Old but can still fly an airplane, no more heavy bench pressing though.
I meant more the impression process; I have an easily triggered gag reflex. But thanks for the details!

I'd honestly prefer dentures at this point, implants seem a huge pain in the ass and are more expensive too.
The impression process is very simple and non invasive. The tray with the impression material is nowhere near the back of your tongue or the uvula which can be a trigger point. It takes a minute or two once they mix the stuff level it out in the mould then introduce it to your upper or lower arch. My understanding is implants are quite labor and time intensive not to mention expensive. Not sure what plans cover them.
Coffee is coffee. Mostly I've found the only difference is muddiness - how much fine coffee bean particulate is left in the very bottom of the cup when you finish it - and how concentrated or watered down it is.

Most people drown out the taste of coffee with sugar and creamer/milk. How are you actually tasting the coffee when you cover it all up with sweet stuff and fat? Aren't you actually commenting on the taste of the additives and not the coffee?
Open a can of Maxwell House, open a can of Costco Colombian. Clearly the Costco wins. It's more aromatic, richer and simply more pleasant. However, taste is a personal thing. Who the hell am I to say what is better or worse! You make the decision!
Coffee is coffee. Mostly I've found the only difference is muddiness - how much fine coffee bean particulate is left in the very bottom of the cup when you finish it - and how concentrated or watered down it is.

Most people drown out the taste of coffee with sugar and creamer/milk. How are you actually tasting the coffee when you cover it all up with sweet stuff and fat? Aren't you actually commenting on the taste of the additives and not the coffee?
I use about a third of a teaspoon of sugar and a bit of half and half, bringing it to a rich caramel color. No light and sweet for me. I don't do any of those frou-frou drinks, which bear little resemblance to actual coffee.

There is a world of difference in various coffees. I love a rich, smoky dark roast - French, Italian, Viennese, those Europeans know coffee, lol. I've heard many good things about coffee from other parts of the world (Turkey, Cuba) but have never tried them. Now that I have to stick with decaf, it has limited my choices but at least I found a few that are tasty.

Back in the day before Keurigs, when I wasn't so lazy, I used to grind my own beans - nothing like a cup of freshly ground and brewed dark roast!
I just started grinding my own, after a hiatus. 8'Oclock Colombian is nice, Wegmans Colombian is nice. McDonalds in the big can is nice but not as nice. A little half & half to the aforementioned visual appearance and no sugar. Sugar is not good for my youthful boyish figure. We have a Mr. Coffee grinder, works very nicely. More of a gourmand here than a gourmet. Not a chance ever spending more than $2.50 for a cup of java.
I just started grinding my own, after a hiatus. 8'Oclock Colombian is nice, Wegmans Colombian is nice. McDonalds in the big can is nice but not as nice. A little half & half to the aforementioned visual appearance and no sugar. Sugar is not good for my youthful boyish figure. We have a Mr. Coffee grinder, works very nicely. More of a gourmand here than a gourmet. Not a chance ever spending more than $2.50 for a cup of java.
Columbian is hit or miss for me, and the decaf is almost always a miss. Gloria Jean's used to have a good Columbian, not sure if they still do.

Medium roasts can taste like "turnpike" coffee, as my ex called it - you know, the stuff you used to get at truck stops and convenience stores. In recent years even some of those places have upped their coffee game.
Apparently the planet’s dopest coffee is sourced from Yemen, but they don’t export it so you have to fly there IRL and bribe the locals to even find it, followed by another bribe to close the sale and yet another bribe to get it through customs. Or at least that’s how it was done before they went full Mad Max...there may or may not be a joke to be found between “dark roast” and “scorched earth” but I’ll grope around for it later
I've been off the coffee wagon for a while, but I'm thinking of getting an aeropress. That might make me jump back on, I've heard great things about them.