Archived Early Electronics Shift

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Professional Complainer
Jul 29, 2015
So I have about five minutes of electronics training, which consisted centrally of 'this key goes to this, this one goes to this, and here's the call boxes'. I've been covering shifts there all week because someone recently left our store and there's a hole to fill, and usually I do fine (I know at least -some- stuff about electronics) but tomorrow I've got a shift that starts two hours before we open. I have no idea what this entails. Does anyone here have experience with this type of shift that could warn me before it becomes really obvious to my supervisors that I've got no clue what I'm doing?
They will more than likely have you do ad set which takes quite a bit of time which is probably why they have you scheduled so early. Basically you're putting stickers on ad items. Fun stuff.
You are doing ad setup for electronics. Just tell them that you are new. This is a great opp to learn about your section. Bring your earbuds with you. Peace, quiet. No guests & music on wifi...
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My Electronics training consisted of, "Okay, let's finish these carts of Toy go-backs." I realize that's not helpful. Heh. But yes, you are not alone on the shitty training for that department. Just tell your LOD, and they'll probably have you partner with someone.
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