Archived eHR Help

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Mar 12, 2016
Alright so I'm new here and I have a laptop and I'm trying to access eHR at home, I managed to log on fine but when I try to go to self service it keeps coming up with an error and telling me that I have to log out and when I do the only option it gives me is to click on the re-login button that just sends me back to the error page. Did I do something wrong or do I need a certain thing like windows or google or whatever or like what?? I just want to be able to check my schedule from home instead of doing it during my lunch!
Did you try using the links in the "How to Check Your Schedule" thread in the top part of this section? If I have issues I just google "target schedule" and the first set of links that it comes up,with works on my phone and iPad to login in and check over my schedule. I can't really do anything via the full tm ehr site unless I'm at the store for some reason.
If it's for schedule there's a few threads with the links on here. Just search the "schedule link" in the search it will take you to my post that has them along with a few other posts. I just check my schedule on my phone.
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