Archived ETL badgering

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Dec 3, 2013
So depressed about new ETL treating me as if I know nothing that I am ready to put my two weeks in tomorrow. I have been at Target for about 3 years and have always been treated very well. I have trained more then half the store and have always been well respected by tm's, tl's and upper management.

He makes it a point to say nasty things to me. I have blown them off for awhile now but his comments today were very upsetting. I have been telling my old ETL what this one has been saying to me, just to ask if I am taking the comments the wrong way. He usually shakes his head and tells me I am not out of line for feeling upset and that he would never say things like that to a tm.

For the past two weeks I have dreaded going to work. I just got a promotion this week for a job I have been doing for about a year. So sorry I accepted it.

I really don't know what to do. New HR is lost herself, can't talk to her without it becoming a bigger problem. If she talks to him about it, ETL will make my life there even more of a living hell. He is a very vindictive person.

I'm pretty much screwed aren't I?
The next time he says something nasty, give him a shocked look & say "Why would you SAY such a thing?" & point out how it's neither constructive or professional.
If your ETL-HR is lost, I'd start writing down what he says (with dates) & go to the STL.
The next time he says something nasty, give him a shocked look & say "Why would you SAY such a thing?" & point out how it's neither constructive or professional.
If your ETL-HR is lost, I'd start writing down what he says (with dates) & go to the STL.

This. And if the STL is a no-go, then it's time to call the Integrity Hotline. Harassment is unacceptable, regardless of the nature.
funny you should say writing down everything redeye - I was just writing down a whole list. I will start dating them from now on. Unfortunately STL is brand new. I don't want to start off knowing him by being a complainer.
@mrknownothing I am sort of afraid to contact the hotline. I think it will make it worse for me.
funny you should say writing down everything redeye - I was just writing down a whole list. I will start dating them from now on. Unfortunately STL is brand new. I don't want to start off knowing him by being a complainer.
@mrknownothing I am sort of afraid to contact the hotline. I think it will make it worse for me.

Good job on recording the instances.
Make sure you put down times, dates, and exact phrasing.
I do like Redeyes' suggestion about challenging the frelling douchenozzle on this.
I know it's tough but having had it brought out in the open and made clear that he is making you uncomfortable and hurting your feelings is important to leading towards towards a resolve.
If it continues after that (especially if it gets worse) going to the STL will be your best course and you will have a proven example of where you asked him to stop and and he continued in a blatant manner.
Does documenting really work? I mean, when it's your word against a manager wouldn't they want more concrete proof other than "this TL wrote down you said this." Anyone could lie in that case (not saying you'd lie.), I'm just curious as to if that really works.
I think the best first step is to stand up for yourself. Let the ETL know he is stepping out of line, he may not be expecting that. Or maybe he has a weird sense of humor or is being sarcastic and it's coming off as rude and unprofessional? He may not even know he's doing something wrong (if so he's an idiot). After that, build a case against him and bring it to HR or STL.
I am in a similar situation. I plan to talk to HR and show them my journal of my interactions with my ETL. When you go to HR they should take your complaint seriously and do an investigation. If you are worried about things getting worse I would suggest taking note of when you went to HR and what happens. if you get retaliation go back to HR and if it just seems to not be taken seriously than try your STL and than try the integrity hot like only as your last resort. I hope things get better for you.
I think it depends upon the degree.

I've had asshole ETL's, but they've never crossed the line into anything like sexual harassment, physical threats, etc. Simply a condescending asshole? I avoid those types, and bide my time until they leave the store. One way or another, they ALL leave.
i was in the same position. i had a super awesome etl ge, and she left. replacement pushed a lot of tasks to other people who shouldn't be dealing with it. what hurt me, is that she kept threatening my job. every person who can fill an lod shift loved working with me i made it easy.

she said i will be demoted. it took a while till hr won over
We are having a similar issue with an ETL who is "new to our store." She is not new to Target, though, and is of the mind-set "I've been here umpteen years so I know it all!" I am thisclose to calling the integrity hotline on her because of a few things she has said/done. :mad:
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