Archived Fixture Room Organization

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Jun 16, 2011
So the fixture room at my store is a big problem. My team is ON, and during the day the people setting SPLs and other random things are just putting stuff back wherever and not keeping it organized. Our signing person, who should be the one keeping it neat and keeping on people to put stuff away (she works during the day), is usually hijacked to work SF and can barely keep up with the signing.

End result: a safety hazard fixture room. In the past, it has been so bad I refused to get anything from in there and bugged my TL every time I needed something so that he would get annoyed and insist it be cleaned.

The STL won't give us the hours we need to do a major overhaul of the FR like we were promised to get during remodel and never got.

Back to my point---

My new TL has it in his head that it would be a good idea to follow best practice and actually locate all the fixtures. We have been arguing back and forth for two days now about it. I have not read all the literature about best practice to do it yet, we have been too busy.

So my question to everyone else is how do you keep your fixture room neat? Does anyone actually locate, back stock, and pull their fixtures?
Ours stays in pretty good shape but that requies someone working on it about once a month. As for locating the stuff with the bar codes etc.? I have never known any store that was stupid enough to do it.
Here what user the mule does:


Yes, there is only one Signing TM per store. My Plano TL is my backup and I have another member of the Plano team trained in the event I have a weekend day off since my Plano TL is on opposite rotation from me. There will be times of the year(mostly 4th QTR) where you will need to have others delegated to you in order to complete certain large sets. It is a VERY independent position that requires you to maintain a stead workload without a lot of direct supervision.

You will be the one to hang all overheads either by WAVE or the signing pole(give yourself a few weeks and you can hang things blindfolded). You will have to work with and follow up from the Plano team in order to make sure everything is set and looking brand(headers, outriggers, shelf talkers, displays, floor/door clings, etc.). You will need to receive the signing pallet every week and stage it in an orderly fashion wherever your store has room. You will need to communicate with the TLs and ETLs about upcoming sets and to let any of them setting salesplanners that you have signing for them(some are adventurous enough to find it themselves). You will be given access to TIPP(Target Integrated Procurement Process) and have to place orders for damaged/missing signing and place orders for supplies you are running low on(don't be afraid of spending money, just make sure every order is justified). You will also be in the fixture room a lot and be the primary person to keep it clean(keep on top of others to put things back right). At the end of the day, you will be the person in your store that is expected to know Target's policy on anything with pictures or verbiage on it. Don't be afraid of "challenging upwards" if you see a TL or an ETL doing something wrong.

With that said, the rest of my description will vary from other stores as we all get things done a little differently. I also receive the weekly supply pallet and sort that as well, distributing the supplies to those who ordered them. I am the primary person to respond to codes on the salesfloor when we are short staffed. I am the extra pair of hands for anything our SFT does that is too much for them. I speak up at huddles about current and upcoming sets and bring any information I feel is valuable to others.

After all this though..... it's still the most fun I've had at a job in a long time.
The long and short of it is; throw stuff away, when people don't properly put things away track down their TL to make them responsible, and do a regular speech at huddles about taking care of the fixture room.
I spend about four hours or five hours a week dedicated to the fixture room.
ive only seen one store with a located fixture room. their stl says it reeks havoc on their br accuracy score.

ours isnt too bad, just dont know why salesfloor people have to dump stuff everywhere. if i could catch who was doing it, it would be a serious lecture, followed by them being pulled for their shift to clean the dang thing.
same here, our fixture room looks good for about a day or two after someone from POG gets made to clean it. There has been two carts sitting in there for the last 2 weeks that nobody has touched. One is full of sfl fixtures. And when they have truck, they shove everything that is in their way into the fixture room and nobody can get to anything in the A.M.
ours is a DISASTER! we have room above some little 4 foot isles for pallets and everything is just stack ontop of the pallets, you couldnt even get them down cuz people shoved stuff under the pallets. we have atleast 2 garbage cans FULL of assorted pegs. random signs,fixtures and misc junk everywhere
I'll be honest, when I got transferred to electronics and had to do sales planners, I just dumped the fixtures next to the fixture room when my shift is over because I can't ever leave electronics because most likely someone is going to press that call button and the blame is on me.

So yeah, I don't blame plano for hating on me. I'll be piss too.
I'll be honest, when I got transferred to electronics and had to do sales planners, I just dumped the fixtures next to the fixture room when my shift is over because I can't ever leave electronics because most likely someone is going to press that call button and the blame is on me.

So yeah, I don't blame plano for hating on me. I'll be piss too.

You should be able to give your TL a shout about 15 minutes before you have to leave, let them know you need to put your stuff away and to get you some coverage.
If they don't get you the coverage then it becomes their responsibility to take care of putting the stuff away.
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