Archived Font size-type

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Mar 11, 2013
Who's idea was it to change the font type and size on new label strips. This is ridiculous!

Okay vent over. Back to ad set
It's the fonts in grocery. The dpci and location fonts are smaller and narrower on the new shelf strip labels.
I wish I could wear a magnifying glass around my neck. I can't read the facings. Just one more thing to add to the list of spot things that piss me off. I use to love my job. Now I like my job. Lol
Who's idea was it to change the font type and size on new label strips. This is ridiculous!

Okay vent over. Back to ad set

It's nearly impossible to read the new labels.

Target, in it's infinite cluelessness, seems to not understand that they'd save money IF people could easily read the labels & get products on the shelves quickly & accurately.

I believe a lot of people can't see the locations & then end up guessing where items go. It's impossible to push anything by sight because hardly anything is in the right place. Then the TMs who attempt to push items accurately are accused of being too slow & told to work faster. Is it any wonder TMs start to catch on & stop caring if things are in the right place?

Our local Walmart looks more organized than Target does. Sad, but true.
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