Archived Getting a Back Brace

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Nov 15, 2011
Last week, my back was hurting a bit and it concerned my family considering that if I threw my back out, I could be out for weeks. Is there a recommended back brace I could get from somewhere (I work on the flow team)?
I think they might have been made illegal for store use some time ago,on the grounds that they gave a false sense of security,might be wrong about that but I have not seen any of them in the store for a long time.
I think they might have been made illegal for store use some time ago,on the grounds that they gave a false sense of security,might be wrong about that but I have not seen any of them in the store for a long time.

Pretty sure they're not 'illegal', just that Target doesn't provide them partially because safely lifting is better prevention for back injury and cost (they ain't cheap).
Uline makes a decent lumbar pad belt for work but really they are only for mild back pain that you don't want to get worse.
If it does get worse, see a doctors ASAP and not a frelling chiropractor.
If you hurt your back at spot, you should report it promptly. Back braces don't always work, depending on the area of the back that hurts.
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