Archived Going through ETL interview process

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Apr 30, 2015
Good evening (morning for some),

I had previously worked at Target when I was in highschool and I've gained a lot of experience since then in my field of work. Always loved retail vs. the 9-5 office jobs (very boring). I think I may be in a unique position where I'm not someone fresh out of college getting ready to potentially become an ETL. Since leaving Target, I have gained massive experience in retail management and operations. A recruiter found my resume online and reached out to me and we had a great conversation (Tell me about a time...). Reason why I come to this forum, as I used to read it quite frequently, is to gain some perspective from ETLs.

My first interview with an STL, I thought, went great. She gave me great feedback and loved my answers. When I answered one question particularly, she said that that is something she felt was extremely important to address. The thing is, the interview lasted about 25 minutes? Should I be concerned about that? I do have another interview with a DTL but that will be through the phone and was scheduled the same time as my STL interview. Thoughts?

Thank you so much for any responses and I hope to make a glorious to return to the bullseye!

Spot has changed a lot over the years. The good old days are gone. It appears that spot is dangling a carrot for you. As an etl, you will work at least 50 hours a week & almost no holidays off.
Our forum favorite:
Then spot closed the Canadian stores & did layoffs at hq:
Spot may offer you an hourly job as a senior tl, instead of an etl.
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Welcome to The Break Room.

I wish you the best of luck.
All of my interviews were either by phone or Skype - I don't remember how long each interview went but they weren't terribly long - maybe max 40 mins but I would say closer to the 30 minute mark. If you make it through the DTL interview then you'll have the final interview with the GVP or someone higher than DTL (depending on availability).

Good luck! ETL Questions are available online. Gives you a chance to prepare and write down notes since the interview is over the phone.
Thanks for all the posts, guys. How accurate is that post Hardlinemaster? It's absolutely hilarious, depending on how real it is...Thanks!
Welcome back to the red 'hood.
If that's your real name, I'd deep-six it since this site isn't condoned by corp.
Thanks for all the info guys! Don't worry, this name is completely made up, a mix between names somewhere down in the family tree
@JayceWilde everything that has been said is for the most part, true. The one thing I can say I learned during my very long tenure at spot is this.

As an ETL, your ability to do you job depends greatly on your leadership ability, and your peers/stl. One is not enough, if either side of the equation sucks, your job will be miserable, and you will work...a lot.
@JayceWilde everything that has been said is for the most part, true. The one thing I can say I learned during my very long tenure at spot is this.

As an ETL, your ability to do you job depends greatly on your leadership ability, and your peers/stl. One is not enough, if either side of the equation sucks, your job will be miserable, and you will work...a lot.
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