Archived GSA Interview

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Former Front-End Guru
Staff member
Jun 12, 2011
Finally secured an interview with a Sr GSTL, ETL GE, and STL for friday morning in a neighboring district.

Wish me luck!
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Congrats -- but keep in mind that being a GSA is one of the most stressful positions. You have the same responsibilities as a GSTL, but get paid a lot less. I heard you are a paygrade 8, and start in the $9/hr range-- not much higher than a cashier.
I know exactly what the position entails, in terms of responsibility and lack of pay. I love a good challenge!
GSA is Base pay + $.50

Be sure to use these buzz words in your interview:
  • Brand
  • Checkout is fast / 1+1
  • FFF
  • Opportunity
  • Partnered

Good luck! PM me if you have any questions
Be prepared to pick up one of your GSTL's slack constantly 😉

Seriously though, I hope you get it man.
Yeah you can basically still be friends with everyone, and don't have to make those hard decisions. You do have some power (leading the team), but don't go overboard with it.
GSA seems to be one of the most under-paid, under-appreciated, and over-worked position at my current store. I'm hoping it is different at the store you are interviewing with! I once thought I wanted to be a GSA, but having covered them during breaks and lunches on a regular basis lately I have changed my mind. It would take a lot more than a 50 cent an hour pay raise to make me put up with what they have to deal with!
Interview was friday morning. Knocked it out of the park, and wowed everyone. I just got the phone call.


I was offered the position! Obviously, I've accepted. I start next week.
80 hours in 9 days. Whooo!
yep. best part about GSA.... 80 hour paychecks every time ;D

i havent had under 35 hours since ive become a GSA. Had 35 hours last week, and that quickly turned into 40 hours and some overtime 😀 being global FTW.
I can safely say I always got a solid 40 hrs ea wk whether I was scheduled for them or not.
I can also say unequivically that I worked my @$$ off for each & every one.
Now I'm done & Target Cafe awaits!
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